Screen Rant

  • A new study has revealed that Ross Geller is actually the most googled of all Friends characters. 1 / 10

    Friends Cast Poster Vertical
  • Friends first debuted in 1994 and retains a hugely passionate following even today. 2 / 10

    Friends vertical
  • David Schwimmer played Ross Geller for all 10 seasons. 3 / 10

    Friends Carol Ross vertical
  • Despite seemingly being the group's grown-up, he ultimately proved to be anything but. 4 / 10

    Friends vertical
  • According to SEMrush, most of the show's searched for moments are centric to him... 5 / 10

  • ...including the time his ill-fated attempt at wearing Leather trousers... 6 / 10

    Ross Geller Leather Pants Friends Vertical
  • ....or the equally disastrous time he attempted to a spray-tane. 7 / 10

    Ross Geller Tanning Booth Friends Vertical
  • Even episodes largely focused on other characters were sought after due to his moments. 8 / 10

    Ross Geller Trivia Friends Vertical
  • The study's results come fresh off of recent opinion that Ross is a problematic character. 9 / 10

    Ross Geller Pivot Friends Vertical
  • Whatever people's view regarding that, many fans still seem enamored with the unstable paleontologist. 10 / 10

    Ross Geller Unagi Friends Vertical