After being used to blend into the environment, Fortnite has decided to tweak the Boundless Superhero skins so that certain color combinations can no longer be used with one another. This fix not only prevents players from using the skin as an unintentional advantage but also helps Fortnite uphold its competitive integrity.

Earlier this month, Fortnite players began to take to social media to complain about a new exploit that had been discovered that involved the customizable Boundless skin set. This skin was introduced in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 4 and offers a highly-customizable superhero that players began taking advantage of. Players would set their character's costume colors to either all black or all white. Due to the shading or color of certain areas, players were able to blend into their surroundings making them very hard to see.

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After a few weeks of complaining, Epic Games has acknowledged the issue and is working to deliver a fix when Fortnite updates to v15.30. The minor cosmetic adjustment will change the skin's settings so that players can no longer set their primary and secondary colors to both be black or white. Additionally, minor tweaks have been made to the game's lighting in some areas which will help avoid similar situations in the future.

Fortnite is also offering a free refund for the Boundless Skins if players are no longer happy with their purchase after the update goes live. Players will not need to use one of their three life-time refund tokens to redeem this offer, and it must be claimed within 30 days of the player's first login after the v15.30 update. This refund is mainly for those who purchased the skin with the intent to use the all-black/all-white exploit, but it is also available to those who purchased the skin at any point in time.

It's great that Epic Games has provided a reasonable solution to the exploit, but it doesn't seem like it owes anyone a refund. If a player purchased a skin with the intent to use it maliciously, they shouldn't be given a get-out-of-jail-free card. Those players should have to use one of their refund tokens or be stuck with one of the game's best skins. Outside of the exploit, Fortnite's Boundless Set offers a level of customizability that any other skin has yet to receive. The exploit will be fixed, and now players can live out their superhero fantasies in Fortnite.

Next: Fortnite Adds Terminator & Sarah Connor Crossover Skins

Source: Fortnite