The Glintstone Key is a Key Item in Elden Ring that Tarnished will need to pass through the sealed gates of the Raya Lucaria Academy in Liurnia. The Key is also used to complete the request for Thops, a Sorcerer whose greatest wish is to return to the academy. Fortunately, the world contains two Glintstone Keys, allowing Tarnished to both enter the Raya Lucaria Academy location in Elden Ring and grant Thops his wish if they desire.

Collectible keys are often required to explore otherwise inaccessible locations in places like Elden Ring's Lands Between. To get the Academy Glintstone Key in Elden Ring, the player must travel to a slumbering dragon's lair located on the left side of the Liurnia of the Lakes, west of the academy. Specifically, players can find the Glintstone Key in the island-like cluster of rocks between the Crystalline Woods and Temple Quarter Site of Grace. Elden Ring fans must make their way behind Glintstone Dragon Smarag to pick the item up at this site. Whether players stealthily approach or boisterously rush in with Torrent, the sleeping beast will awaken from its slumber with the phrase, "Tasty Tarnished," on its mind.

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As its name suggests, Glintstone Dragon Smarag is a wyvern infused with the arcane, so it is best for unprepared Tarnished to avoid confronting this boss and escape with their life, Academy Glintstone Key in hand. Alternatively, Elden Ring challengers who've bested drakes, such as the one at Lake Agheel, can try their hand at taking down Smarag. After avoiding lethal confrontation or reveling in a hearty victory, Elden Ring players can return to the Raya Lucaria Academy and pass through its gates.

Glintstone Key Location Guide For Elden Ring

Glintstone Key Map Location Guide For Elden Ring

Those who yet wish to fulfill Sorcerer Thops's wish and provide him with a Glintstone Key in Elden Ring can find a duplicate of the key within the Church of the Cuckoo, located in the northwest of the academy's walls. The item can be looted from a corpse lying on a chandelier inside the church. To reach this awkward location, Tarnished must seek access from the building's roof. This feat can be done by climbing up and maneuvering across the rooftop section of the academy's structures via the courtyard.

Players should return to the Church of Irith in Elden Ring to grant Thops re-entry to the Raya Lucaria Academy. If players go back to the academy, they will find the poor Sorcerer dead, slumped in a chair. They can loot his body to receive the Sorcery Thops Barrier, Academy Glintstone Staff, and his Bell Bearing. The Thops's Bell Bearing can be given to the Twin Maiden Husks to purchase his wares that were available when he was alive.

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Elden Ring is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC.