It was announced during the Square Enix Presents Summer Showcase that the first six Final Fantasy games are being remastered, as the Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster titles. These games will be released individually, rather than as a complete set.

The first six Final Fantasy games were released across the NES and SNES from the late eighties to the mid-nineties. Once the series became a hit outside of Japan, thanks to the success of FF7 on the original PlayStation, there was interest in reviving the older games on modern (for the time) systems. There have been numerous remakes of the first six Final Fantasy games over the years, some of which were high-quality releases that added new content, while others were low-grade cash-ins with terrible visuals.

Related: How to Upgrade Final Fantasy 7 Remake From PS4 to PS5

Square Enix has revealed that new remasters of the first six Final Fantasy games are coming. A new trailer on the official Square Enix YouTube channel has announced Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster. Square Enix has confirmed that these will be six separate releases, each of which are remasters that retain the pixel art style, but in a higher quality.

Fans suspected that new remakes of the older Final Fantasy games were on the way when Square Enix recently changed the names of the existing FF3 and FF4 remakes on mobile phones, adding "3D Remake" to the titles. It's unclear whether these six individual games will be called Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster 2-6, or whether they will retain their original names. It's possible that the addition of the 3D Remake names was just a precautionary measure for the future.

Square Enix has done a notoriously poor job with some of the remasters of its classic games, with the version of Chrono Trigger on Steam being a notable example. Some of the Final Fantasy remakes also look terrible, especially with their character sprites. The Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster collection has the chance to replace these terrible remakes and offer fans an experience that is close to the original game, while still looking appealing on modern displays. It's currently unclear whether these games will eventually come to consoles, or whether they will include the new content added in some of the later remakes, such as the Dragons' Den and the Soul Shrine from FF6 on the Game Boy Advance.

Next: FF7 Remake INTERmission: Why One Character Won't Be In Part 2

The Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster collection are currently in development for Steam and mobile devices.

Source: Square Enix/YouTube