In Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, players will face Erichthonios, the first boss in the Pandaemonium Raid in Asphodelos: The First Circle. These four raids are available in Normal and Savage difficulty options. The boss Erichthonios has eight moves he will use throughout the two-phase fight. Erichthonios's first move is Gaoler’s Flail, where he will cleave the arena in half and do significant damage to one side.

Erichthonios will move either his right or left arm before coming down on that side of the arena, so players should watch him carefully and run to the opposite side of his moving arm. He uses this attack twice, once for each side of the arena. The boss's second move, Warder’s Wrath, will hit all party members for moderate damage. Players should use their healers in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker to recover. The move Pitiless Flail will target a random party member with an area of effect that will follow them. The targeted player should move as far away from the group as possible to mitigate the damage.

Related: FFXIV Endwalker: Hydaelyn’s Call Extreme Trial Guide

Erichthonios will use then use True Holy, which gives the player targeted by Pitiless Flail a stack marker. The party should gather near the targeted player to share the damage. Shields are also useful for absorbing some of the damage from this move. After sharing the damage, the boss's next move, Heavy Hand, will target the Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker party's tank. Players should use their shields and defensive cooldowns to minimize the damage. Next Erichthonios will use two moves together, Intemperance and Intemperate Torment to target each player with a fire or ice stack marker and divide the arena into four sections. In each section, players will find three blue and red cubes. Blue represents ice and red represents fire, so each player will need to run to a quadrant that has a cube opposite of their stack marker. The cubes will begin to drop, and players will need to move around the arena to ensure they are continually in a quadrant opposite of their stack marker until the attack ends.

FFXIV: Erichthonios Pandaemonium Raid Second Phase

Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker Erichthonios Pose

Entering the second phase of the fight, the Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker boss Erichthonios will divide the arena into fire and ice sections. He will then cast Aetherchain, which causes either fire or ice orbs to circle him. Whichever color is represented by the orbs will indicate which part of the arena will explode, so players should stand in the opposite sections. The move Aetherflail is the same as Gaoler’s Flail with the added mechanic of Aetherchain, so players will need to stand in the correct section of the arena and be aware of which half the arena is about to be targeted.

Erichthonios's final move is Slam Shut, which is a party-wide attack that cannot be avoided. Players will want to use shields and healers to recover. As the fight progresses, the boss will use the same mechanics repeatedly, but he will continually switch the order. The most deadly combination players should watch for is Gaoler’s Flail during Intemperance and Aetherchain. Once Erichthonios is defeated, players will have completed the First Circle of the Pandaemonium Raid in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker.

Next: Final Fantasy 14 Endwalker: How To Defeat Rhitahtyn The Unshakable (Boss Guide)

Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker is now available for PC, Mac, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.