When starting Final Fantasy XIV, new players and experienced adventurers alike will have the opportunity to choose from a wide variety of classes. Each of these classes has a different role from tank, DPS, or healer. At level 30, players will receive their job crystal and obtain the desired job based on the class they chose. Summoner and Scholar are unique because their levels are synched together leaving them to be desired by those that want to raise both a healer and DPS job.

Depending on the starting city, the Warrior of Light can travel to different city-states after completing the level 15 main story quest. The quests required to unlock airship travel are "The Gridanian Envoy, The Lominsan Envoy, and The Ul'dahn Envoy" if starting in Gridania, Limsa Lominsa, and Ul'dah respectively. Summoner and Scholar are jobs players can access in the base game of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. To obtain these job crystals, the Arcanist class is required and can be obtained by talking to Murie in Limsa Lominsa at (x:4.5, y:11.2).

Related: FFXIV: How to Become A Red Mage

At first, the Arcanist class will seem simple with some Damage over Time (DoT), summons, and attacking skills. However, the Arcanist is developed to give players a taste of what to expect when becoming a Summoner and Scholar. By completing the quests "Austerities of Flame" from Thubyrgeim at (X: 4.7, Y 11.4) and "Forgotten but Not Gone" from Murie, adventurers will advance to their new jobs. Raising the level of either Summoner or Scholar in Final Fantasy XIV raises the level of the subsequent job, making them a good option for players that don't have the time to level two separate jobs in FFXIV.

FFXIV: Unlocking Scholar & Summoner

Final Fantasy XIV Arcanist, Scholar, and Summoner For How To Unlock Guide

Summoners are a magical DPS class in Final Fantasy XIV that uses their abilities to invoke the power of the Eorzean primals to destroy their foes. They gather the aetheric energy of a primal and manifest them into constructs called Egis. Summoners can summon an Ifrit-Egi, Garuda-Egi, and Titian-Egi. They can also eventually summon a manifestation of Bahamut called Demi-Bahamut for a limited time to do tremendous damage. In Final Fantasy XIV: ShadowbringersSummoners were also given the ability to summon a Demi-Phoenix for a limited time to deal damage with scorching flames and heal the party. For those that want to fully support their party, there is the Scholar.

The Scholar is the healing counterpart to the Summoner and can mitigate damage with barriers around players. They have two conjured fairy companions that heal or remove debuffs from the party for their owner. Scholars are also valuable to have because they acquire the ability to revive a downed ally in battle. While supporting, they can apply DoTs to deal damage to foes. In Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers, Scholars gain the skill to summon Seraph, who can be commanded to both heal and apply barriers at the same time.

Warriors of Light that wish to manifest the aether into powerful summons for either damage or healing need to look no further than the Summoner and Scholar jobs. Leveling either job will prepare them for the adventures that have yet to unfold, whether it be protecting or defending allies. Both Sholar and Summoner are tied deeply into the lore of Eorzea and only by experiencing the story can they be truly appreciated. Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker is releasing soon and will continue to expand on these wonderful jobs.

Next: FFXIV Endwalker: All Major Job Changes In The New Expansion

Final Fantasy XIV is available on PC, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 4.