The Alpine Coat is a Unique Untradable Glamour item in Final Fantasy XIV that accentuates Ishgardian nobility combined with thick protection from the cold climate of Coerthas Highlands. This coat can only be obtained during the main questline of Final Fantasy XIV's Heavensward expansion. Several important story characters and various NPCs within Ishgard in Final Fantasy XIV can be seen wearing different variants of the Alpine Coat, indicating their status as a member of the aristocracy. Royal aesthetics aside, players must obtain this coat to receive a passing score for Week 200 of FFXIV's Fashion Report.

The theme for Fashion Report's Week 200 is "Fashion Gatekeeper," to receive a score of 80 or higher; players need to don a variety of fancy upper-class apparel. While elegant choices such as Artisan's Gown or High House Bustle will suffice, the Alpine Coat is by far the easiest Glamour chest piece to obtain for participating in FFXIV Gold Saucer's Fashion Report.

Related: Final Fantasy XIV: How to Get Ul Brown Dye

To get the Alpine Coat in Final Fantasy XIV, players must complete the MSQ "Litany of Peace," the last quest of Patch 3.3's "Revenge of the Horde" questline. After Hraesvelgr agrees to join the player and their companions in protecting Ishgard against Nidhogg, a final face-off against the monstrous wyrm will occur. Once Nidhogg has been defeated, the player and Alphinaud rescue Estinien and take him back to the city. After another click-through quest and lengthy cutscenes, the player can speak to Aymeric to complete "Litany of Peace" and receive the Alpine Coat, along with a Wind-up Aymeric Minion and Dragonsong Orchestrion Roll. Thus, the thousand-year Dragonsong War is brought to its conclusion in Final Fantasy XIV's Heavsnward expansion.

How to Get the Alpine Coat in Final Fantasy XIV

FFXIV: Alpine Coat Reward

Final Fantasy XIV players who have already completed the Heavsnward's questline but accidentally misplaced their Alpine Coat can still acquire the unique item by speaking to a Calamity Salvager. Calamity Salvagers are special vendors in Final Fantasy XIV that allow players to repurchase previously obtained items that they discarded. These items are usually tied to job-related or story-related quest rewards, such as the Ishgardian coat. Speak to one of these vendors to buy the Alpine Coat for 100 Gil in Final Fantasy XIV.

Calamity Salvagers can be found in the following locations:

  • Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks (X:11.3 Y:14.3):  Teleport to The Aftcastle Aetheryte Shard
  • Old Gridania (X:10.0 Y:8.4): Teleport to the Mih Khetto's Amphitheatre Aetheryte Shard
  • Ul'dah - Steps of Thal (X:12.6 Y:13.1): Teleport to the Milvaneth Sacrarium Aetheryte Shard

Next: FFXIV: How to Get Taffeta Cloth (& What It's For)

Final Fantasy XIV is available on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PC via Steam or Square Enix's official website.