A new PlayStation State of Play broadcast exhibited the upcoming title Final Fantasy 16, and one focus of the showcase came in the form of the game's Eikons. As in Final Fantasy 14, Eikons appear as primal gods who resemble the summons in other Final Fantasy games. Developers at Square Enix are still keeping some information close to the chest, but more Eikons have steadily been revealed since the game's initial announcement. At the moment, eight Eikons that can be used as summons are confirmed to appear in Final Fantasy 16, with the existence of a ninth known but not yet officially revealed.

Summons have been an integral part of the Final Fantasy franchise for over three decades. The way they function, as well as which ones appear, have changed from entry to entry, however. Final Fantasy 16 marks a return to high fantasy for the series, turning away from the recent trend of sci-fi influence in the single-player games to embrace a medieval-inspired setting. This connection to some of the more classic games in the franchise also provides a perfect avenue for some iconic summons from Final Fantasy to appear.

All The Eikons Confirmed For Final Fantasy 16

A close-up of Hugo's eyes from Final Fantasy 16 as he transforms into the Eikon Titan.

Currently, the full list of revealed summons in Final Fantasy 16 looks like this:

  • Bahamut
  • Garuda
  • Ifrit
  • Phoenix
  • Ramuh
  • Shiva
  • Titan
  • Typhon

These Eikons could be the best feature of FF16 and have been showcased across the various trailers and gameplay footage released for the game so far. Four were initially revealed in the game's original, which opened with one of the characters mentioning Eikons before Shiva, an ice summon that's appeared in almost every Final Fantasy game, came into view. This trailer also showed Shiva attacking Titan, and Phoenix preparing for battle with Ifrit, offering the first look at the game's Eikon Battles.

Each Final Fantasy 16 Eikon Has An Element

Official artwork showing a number of Eikons from Final Fantasy 16, including the yet-unconfirmed Leviathan.

Each Eikon revealed for Final Fantasy 16 seems to correspond to one of the elements of Final Fantasy lore. Phoenix is fire, Shiva is Ice, Garuda is Wind, Titan is Earth, Odin is Dark, Bahamut is Holy, and Ramuh is Lightning. Not all of these correlations have been specifically confirmed, but they seem to fit into place. Ifrit is the biggest mystery among the Final Fantasy 16 Eikons. Clearly also associated with Fire, Ifrit has been posited as a mysterious ninth Eikon and a dark Eikon. An illustration of Eikons that appeared in one trailer appears to show Leviathan, presumably the Water Eikon, although no gameplay footage yet has.

One currently mysterious entity is the appearance of a "Lost Titan" in gameplay footage. Although it's possible that the Lost Titan is another Eikon, it could also be a different form of Titan. Fans have also speculated about an entire slate of dark Eikons for each element to go along with Ifrit, but the lack of any information to prove this theory makes it safer to assume that nine distinct summons will be the full roster. For now, the new State of Play footage highlighting huge, cinematic battles between Eikons offers fans the most exciting look yet at the summons revealed for Final Fantasy 16.

Source: PlayStation/YouTube