Dwight and Sherry shouldn't get too comfortable in Fear The Walking Dead. The story of Dwight and Sherry is The Walking Dead's best love story since Rick Grimes and his prison telephone, but the couple have endured a tough journey. Originally members of the Sanctuary under Negan's tyrannical rule, a botched escape attempt left Dwight permanently disfigured, while Negan took Sherry as one of his "wives." Dwight believed there was no escape, but Sherry made a run for freedom, leaving her lover with nothing but a note and their wedding rings. Dwight would, of course, prove instrumental in helping Rick overthrow Negan, and he eventually departed to reunite with Sherry.

Dwight reemerged in Fear The Walking Dead season 5, still desperately hunting for his wife without success. Their star-crossed romance then became muddled with indecision. Worried for Dwight's safety, Sherry requested he stop following her (via letter, classy), but Dwight took no heed and continued his search, before eventually giving up anyway. Fear The Walking Dead would later confirm Sherry's return for Fear The Walking Dead season 6, and the reunion finally happened in episode 3.

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After helping a small group of trapped office workers stave off the plague and stealing beer from the Civic Republic, Dwight hears a familiar voice over the radio and rushes outside to embrace his wife. The scene provides a heartwarming moment in a traditionally bleak series, complete with soggy kisses and rousing music, but in the rush of happiness, it's easy to miss the major warning flags around Sherry's Fear The Walking Dead debut. Immediately before Sherry's voice comes over the radio, Al and Dwight are investigating a discarded can of spray paint, only to discover the sick office folk were victims of a targeted attack. Even more ominously, Al confirms that the office building sits outside Ginny's territory - there must be a new villainous group on the scene.

Christine Evangelista as Sherry and Austin Amelio as Dwight in Fear The Walking Dead

It surely isn't a coincidence that Sherry was in the vicinity when Al fired the flare. Fear The Walking Dead's mysterious new bad guys had obviously taken an interest in the office block, and would've maintained watch after making the inhabitants sick. Sherry might've been on lookout duty, springing into action once the flare went up and unwittingly stumbling across her husband. The timing of Sherry making contact lines up too perfectly with Al's concerning discovery for the two not to be connected.

Sherry being involved with the office attackers also works alongside details revealed by Fear The Walking Dead's season 6 trailer. The new villains are almost certainly the masked group on horseback, seen in trailer footage threatening Al and lingering outside Dwight's window. Targeting these characters in particular all but confirms Dwight and Al ruffled some creepy feathers when they rode to the rescue of the office workers.

In Fear The Walking Dead's previous episode, Ginny placed Strand in charge of a brand new Pioneer army but, somewhat suspiciously, she wouldn't reveal who the militia were supposed to fight. Ginny is probably already aware of these masked villains, and this ties into what Dwight was told back in season 5 - that Ginny knew someone who "broke bread" with Sherry. All signs suggest Sherry is either aligned with Fear The Walking Dead's new villains, or is trying to run away from them, as she once did with the Saviors.

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