Screen Rant

  • The movie version of comic Faust: Love Of The Damned is one of the goriest superhero movies ever. 1 / 7

    faust comic series TLDR vertical
  • There have been plenty of violent superhero movies, including Kick-Ass and Super. 2 / 7

    hit girl kick ass TLDR vertical
  • Faust from 2000 might just beat them all, with gory beheadings, gross special effects and gratuitous sex. 3 / 7

    faust love of the damned TLDR vertical
  • The movie was directed by Brian Yuzna, producer of Re-Animator and director of Society. 4 / 7

    barbara crampton reanimator TLDR vertical
  • Sadly the movie is let down by hammy acting and a horrible soundtrack, though b-movie fans should have fun with it. 5 / 7

    faust comic last issue TLDR vertical
  • The movie actually tones down the gore of the comic. 6 / 7

    faust love of damned act 12 TLDR vertical
  • Unlike the 1997 Spawn movie, it embraces the darkness of its source material. 7 / 7