Warning: SPOILERS ahead for The Falcon & The Winter Soldier episode 5, "Truth."

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier revealed new depths to Sharon Carter's machinations — potentially confirming the theory that she's actually the Power Broker. Reprising their popular roles from the movies, Anthony Mackie's Sam Wilson and Sebastian Stan's Bucky Barnes stepped into the spotlight for the solo series. Throughout the episodes, the titular duo has primarily clashed with Karli Morgenthau (Erin Kellyman) and her Flag-Smashers, as well as the increasingly unstable John Walker (Wyatt Russell). However, a mysterious villain known only as the Power Broker has continued to loom over events.

Vengefully hunting Karli and her friends, the Power Broker was unveiled as the source of the new super-soldier serum. It was also ultimately revealed that the Power Broker ruled over the criminal nation of Madripoor. Despite that, the figure has remained firmly in the shadows — with even the likes of Baron Zemo (Daniel Brühl) knowing them only by reputation. As a result, the character has been the subject of countless theories over the last few weeks. Since Sam and Bucky were reunited with Sharon Carter (Emily VanCamp), she became a popular frontrunner for such speculation. That idea wasn't wholly without merit. After all, Sharon was revealed to be substantially different from what was glimpsed in Captain America: Civil War. Now deeply cynical, she had since channeled her considerable skills into less-than-legal endeavors. Equally, several scenes contradicted her proffered story and emphasized that she was up to more behind the scenes than both the titular heroes and fans were privy to.

Related: Did Apple Spoil Falcon & Winter Soldier's Power Broker Twist? Theory Explained

Despite being apparently exiled, Sharon still had access to satellites. She lived a lavish lifestyle in Hightown, which was established as the Power Broker's neck of the woods. She freely acquired the kind of information the Power Broker would have kept top secret — especially after such breaches as Karli stealing the serum. Furthermore, despite somewhat facilitating the death of Wilfred Nagel, Sharon remained able to navigate Madripoor with considerable freedom. Though the Power Broker has often been referred to as a male, that could all be part of the cover Sharon has expertly crafted. In The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, episode 5, "Truth", however, fans potentially received confirmation. During a phone call, Sharon literally brokered a deal between Batroc the Leaper (Georges St-Pierre) and the Flag-Smashers, also revealing that she had been behind his previous terrorist activity in the first episode.

Emily VanCamp as Sharon Carter The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Episode 5

Of course, if Sharon is indeed the Power Broker, it would beg several questions. Firstly, after hunting Karli, why would Sharon now help her accomplish their plans? The answer to that, however, could lie in the GRC seeking to relocate displaced people. As established by the Flag-Smashers, they didn't start out as criminals and were simply forced to turn to new avenues in Madripoor. That that kind of desperation would be good for the Power Broker's business. As such, it would benefit them to further that chaos — especially now that the super-serum is gone. Rather than pursuing the grudge against Karli and the others, this might be the most profitable course. There could also be a vendetta element, with the GRC being part of the government and, therefore, the reason why Sharon wasn't pardoned after Civil War.

Another undeniably pertinent question would be why she is seemingly facilitating the murder of Sam Wilson. However, the answer could be another amalgamation of the above reasoning. He foiled her previous schemes. And though he offered her a way of capturing Karli and recovering the super-soldier serum, he ultimately failed in both regards. Therefore, she pursued different avenues of her own. Of course, potentially would be the operative when it comes to Sharon being the Power Broker. There's still every chance that even deeper levels will be revealed — establishing different goals that prove she isn't the Power Broker, or perhaps that she's working undercover to defeat the Power Broker. Whatever the case, however, her machinations seem crafted with little concern for any fallout or potential death toll. As such, the theory seemed slightly more likely and Bucky's words about Sharon being "awful now" have been given more resonance going into The Falcon and The Winter Soldier finale.

More: Falcon & Winter Soldier Episode 5 Post-Credits Scene Explained

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