Warning: Spoilers for Moon Knight episode 6.

A scene in the Moon Knight finale provides a hint at what Tony Stark’s afterlife ending would have been after Avengers: Endgame. What happened to Iron Man after his death was never shown, but the MCU has since confirmed that an untold number of afterlifes exist in its world. In other words, it is possible that Iron Man’s consciousness moved to another plane after his death.

The final two episodes of Marvel’s Moon Knight show provided an in-depth look at the afterlife concept. After finding themselves in a place that looked like a psych ward, Marc Spector and Steven Grant gained a new perspective on the idea during their talk with Taweret, who guided them through the Egyptian underworld on a journey to a paradise-like realm known as the Field of Reeds. According to Tawaret, Duat is far from the only destination that a person’s “untethered consciousness” can arrive at after their death. Others include Black Panther’s ancestral plane. It would seem that Duat, Valhalla, Hel, and perhaps even heaven and hell from the Christian religion have their dimensions in the MCU.

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Since Tawaret said that it had been a while since she had taken anyone through Duat, it’s highly unlikely that Tony Stark ended up in the Field of Reeds after Endgame. However, her comments in Moon Knight episode 6 light on what Tony’s fate could have been. Taweret explained that the peace and tranquility that Marc found in the Field of Reeds was a projection of what he had always wanted. This is a sign that the afterlife – and perhaps not just the one tied to the MCU’s Egyptian pantheon – is a very personal experience tied directly to the thoughts and desires of the individual. If what Taweret said also applies to Tony Stark’s afterlife, his should resemble the life he had in Endgame before the Avengers interrupted it.

Moon Knight Taweret Field of Reeds

Before being convinced by his former teammates to help them travel back in time and gather the Infinity Stones, Stark built a life for himself on a farm with Pepper Potts and his daughter, Morgan. It was a peaceful, rather uneventful existence that allowed him to escape from his anxieties about the planet’s safety, which had plagued him for so many years. By isolating himself from civilization with Pepper and Morgan, Tony succeeded in putting all of that behind him. If he was able to build his ideal world after dying, it makes sense that this is what it would be, and that upon their own deaths, his wife and daughter would have joined him.

It was the life Tony wanted but didn’t get to keep for very long. Iron Man’s heroic sacrifice in Avengers: Endgame unfortunately prevented him from getting that life back. For this reason, Tony Stark getting another chance at it after his death would be a fitting, offscreen conclusion to his MCU journey and one that would feel well-deserved for his character. After Moon Knight’s afterlife reveal, Tony having such an ending certainly does seem plausible.

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