Warning! Spoilers for Death of Doctor Strange: Elsa Bloodstone #1 by Marvel Comics

Few Marvel heroes are better at hunting down monsters than Elsa Bloodstone, but her long-lost sister might be the ultimate monster hunter by taking an entirely different approach. In Death of Doctor Strange: Elsa Bloodstone #1, Bloodstone meets Lyra, her sister who's been trapped for centuries. Lyra proves that to stop monsters, Elsa should be going after their source instead: Magic.

Elsa Bloodstone is one of the most badass antiheroes in Marvel Comics, as the bloodgem possessing monster hunter often goes gun-blazing at dangerous monsters and creatures. Bloodstone gained incredible powers from the bloodgem, which initially was worn by her father, Ulysses. Her brother Cullen also has a special connection to monsters, as he shares a body with an extradimensional parasite called Glartrox that takes over his form and turns him into a monstrous alien creature. Now, Elsa and Cullen meet their long-lost sister Lyra, who has her own connection to monsters and offers insight into how to deal with them properly.

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In Death of Doctor Strange: Bloodstone #1 by Tini Howard, IG Guara, Dijjo Lima, and VC's Joe Caramagna, Elsa Bloodstone returns to her family estate and finds the house damaged due to Cullen's lack of control of the Glartrox. However, their argument is cut short when a young girl comes crashing through their ceiling. They immediately recognize how much the girl looks like them. When she awakes, she reveals herself as Lyra Bloodstone, Ulysses' first child, who he sacrificed to gain power and defeat a magical warlord. Magic-users trapped the nullgem-wielding youngster was trapped in the cosmos for thousands of years, only freed when the magical barrier surrounding Earth fell following Doctor Strange's death. Lyra quickly proves the nullgem gives her incredible powers.

Elsa Bloodstone Sister Marvel Comics

The new Bloodstone family member reveals the monsters Bloodstone hunts are often not the ones at fault, as she wants to take down the magic users who created them. This strategy proves handy when the Warlord Ullsyses stopped thousands of years ago returns, only to be defeated by Lyra, who drains its magic. Lyra can eat magic and even uses her powers to stabilize the monster inside Cullen.

Lyra Bloodstone proves to be Marvel's ultimate monster hunter not because she kills the dangerous creatures but because she goes after the source of their powers. By absorbing magic, she prevents wizards and sorcerers from creating more monsters. Lyra and Elsa Bloodstone make quite a formidable team, despite the sisters having two different techniques to stop monsters.

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