Elden Ring takes place in the Lands Between, which has a rich historical background and timeline that led to the Shattering, and a great deal occurs prior to the Tarnished Champion returning from their exile. Item descriptions and NPC dialogues weave a tapestry detailing the past ages of the Lands Between. From the division of the "One Great" to the Shattering, the Lands Between was embroiled in fights for power long before the Elden Ring was introduced.

[Warning: This article contains spoilers for Elden Ring.]

The Lands Between was once the home of the Crucible, a primordial power that would later become the source of power for the Erdtree. When the Tarnished Champions arrives, most of the events that shaped the Lands Between have already occurred. Outer Gods and races like the Numen have come to the Lands Between and engaged in power struggles for control. For a time, Marika, chosen of the Greater Will and vessel for the Elden Ring, ruled the Lands Between in an era of relative peace. Then the Lands Between was sent into a new age of chaos with the theft of Destined Death and the shattering of the Elden Ring, an event that led the Greater Will to call back the Tarnished from their exile.

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Putting together a timeline for a FromSoftware game requires players to dig into item descriptions, spell descriptions, and NPC dialogue. The timeline for Elden Ring starts with two key components: the Crucible and One Great. The splitting of the One Great lead to multiple Outer Gods attempting to influence the Lands Between, where the Crucible with its primordial power was located. The arrival of the Greater Will to the Lands Between then starts another era in Elden Ring's historical timeline, and is the event from which much of the story originates. If the financial reports hinting at Elden Ring DLC are correct, then more information about these pivotal events may show up in the game soon.

The Age Of The Crucible Was Long Before The Story Of Elden Ring

Before the Erdtree, the Lands Between was home to the primordial power of the Crucible, which possibly was the reason that the Lands Between attracted attention from distant races and Outer Gods. During this age, the Ancient Dragons ruled the Lands Between. The Remembrance of the Dragonlord reads, "The Dragonlord whose seat lies at the heart of the storm beyond time is said to have been Elden Lord in the age before the Erdtree." It's clear that the dragons held a great deal of power in the ancient history of the Lands Between.

The One Great Splits

While the dragons ruled the Lands Between, the One Great in the cosmos split into the Outer Gods. Hyetta, after eating Shabriri Grapes, will mention the One Great splitting in a piece of dialogue. She says, "All that there is came from the One Great. Then came fractures, and births, and souls." She only mentions the Frenzied Flame and Greater Will as part of this dialogue, but it seems possible, if not likely, that the other Outer Gods would have come into existence because of this split as well.

Numen Arrive In The Lands Between

The Numen likely came to the Lands Between before the Greater Will arrived. The character creation screen details that the Numen are "other-worldly travelers" who have come to the Lands Between. They have long lifespans but low birthrates. While information about them is scarce, Elden Ring's Nokron, the Eternal City, far beneath the surface of the lands between, gives the most information about the Numen. Tthe Black Knife armor set says that all of the Black Knife Assassins were Numen, and Rogier will say that he heard they were from the Eternal City.

Outer Gods Arrive In The Lands Between

It can be assumed that the Outer Gods began to arrive in the Lands Between during this era, particularly the Greater Will. The Elden Stars incantation reads, "It is said that long ago, the Greater Will sent a golden star bearing a beast into the Lands Between, which would later become the Elden Ring."

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Given that the next era relies on the Greater Will being in the Lands Between, its Elden Beast would have to arrive in this era. If the Greater Will came at this time, then it's likely that other Outer Gods would have noticed the Crucible's power and traveled to the Lands Between as well. More about the Greater Will could be revealed in Elden Ring DLC, though much remains shrouded in mystery for now.

The God Of Rot Is Sealed Away

The God of Rot is likely one of the Outer Gods, but it was sealed away by a blind swordsman. The Blue Dancer Charm says, "The dancer in blue represents a fairy, who in legend bestowed a flowing sword upon a blind swordsman. Blade in hand, the swordsman sealed away an ancient god — a god that was Rot itself." This event must have taken place in this era because enough time had passed for the fairy (who gave the blind swordsman the flowing sword) to become a legend and for the God of Rot to recover enough power to afflict Malenia in a later era. This also removes the God of Rot from the fight for power, allowing the Greater Will to give Elden Ring's Grace to the Lands Between and earn followers while contesting with one less Outer God.

The First Fight For The Elden Ring

In this era, the Greater Will begins to search for people who can do his bidding in the Lands Between, as it resides in the Cosmos and cannot directly interact with the land. In exchange for help, the Greater Will offers to ascend one person to godhood when they become its chosen vessel for the Elden Ring.

The Greater Will Punishes Nokron

Nokron is described as "An ancient city punished for high treason against the Greater Will." Though the details of the treason are not given, it would make sense for it to be related to the citizens of Nokron resisting the Greater Will's control. Alternatively, the treason could have been committed as a result of Marika being chosen as an Empyrean. The only proof that the Tarnished finds about the treason is the Fingerslayer Blade in Nokron, the Eternal City with its description reading, "This blood-drenched fetish is proof of the high treason committed by the Eternal City and symbolizes its downfall." This implies that citizens of Nokron tried to kill the Greater Will, but it's uncertain why they attempted this murder.

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The Nox Monk Hood item description implies that it was the Nox Monks who angered the Greater Will saying, "Long ago, the Nox invoked the ire of the Greater Will, and were banished deep underground." This would make it less likely that the act of treason was linked to Marika's Empyrean status instead of an event that has not been mention in Elden Ring yet. Depending on the order of punishment with the Nox and Nokron, the Nox were either banished to a city that had already been punished, or they were banished underground and either founded or created Nokron.

The Gloam-Eyed Queen And Marika Are Chosen As Empyreans

This event could also be placed before the Greater Will punishing Nokron, depending on whether Marika being chosen as an Empyrean was related to the reason Nokron committed treason. However, Marika was not the only one chosen as an Empyrean. The Gloam-Eyed Queen was the other known Empyrean of this time, as the Black Flame Incantation used by Elden Ring's Godskin Apostles states, "The Gloam-Eyed Queen led the apostles. It is said that she was an Empyrean chosen by the Fingers."

The limited information on the Gloam-Eyed Queen makes it difficult to place her in the timeline, but her being an Empyrean in this age seems to make sense given that she is never mentioned as an Empyrean during the game, only Ranni, Miquella, and Malenia are. This would mean that the Gloam-Eyed Queen is either dead or reduced to a place of such insignificance that her status is no longer relevant.

Rennala Becomes The Master Of The Academy Of Raya Lucaria

Rennala learned lunar magic and charms the Academy of Raya Lucaria, becoming its master. She was seen as a champion and led the Glintstone Knights. She would also make the house of Caria into royalty and rule as a queen. She became known as Elden Ring's Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon.

Elden Ring Comes Long After The Beginning Of Queen Marika's Reign

Elden Ring Who Queen Marika Is Elden Lord Grace Tarnished Lands Between

This era began with Marika being the Empyrean chosen to become the vessel for the Elden Ring. The power of the Elden Ring fueled the Erdtree, and the Grace of the Greater Will was given to the inhabitants of the Lands Between. Queen Marika began to consolidate her power in this era to make sure that nobody could oppose her rule.

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The Removal Of Destined Death

The Gloam-Eyed Queen had access of some sort to Destined Death, using it to fuel her Black Flames. Once Marika became Queen and a god, she sent Maliketh, her Shadow, to defeat the Gloam-Eyed Queen. Then, she removed the Rune of Death from the Elden Ring and sealed it in Maliketh's Black Blade - an obtainable weapon in Elden Ring - charging him with the duty of protecting it. This action gave Marika control over death in the Lands Between.

Hoarah Loux Becomes Godfrey, The First Elden Lord

Known as a great warrior, Hoarah Loux was chosen by Marika to be her King consort and the first Elden Lord. She needed somebody who would wage war on her behalf in order to solidify her rule of the Lands Between, and Hoarah Loux seemed to be her best choice. She gave him Serosh to dampen his endless bloodlust, and he took up the name Godfrey. Shortly after, Marika and Godfrey would have their first child, Godwyn. It's likely that Morgott and Mohg would be born within this time frame as well, but unlike Godwyn, they were not part of the upcoming wars. Instead, they were hidden away, making the timing of their births more difficult to discern.

Godfrey Wars With The Giants

With Marika's reign still being new, she needed Godfrey to war against threats that might try to use the power of the Erdtree for themselves and end her rule. Godfrey was sent to fight the Giants because their flame incantations - which a player can obtain with Elden Ring's Giant's Prayerbook - were a threat to the Erdtree. He would face the leader of the Giants, the Storm Lord, and win. However, Godfrey lost his warrior spirit with his victory because he saw the Storm Lord as his last worthy opponent.

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Dragons Attack The Erdtree

The dragons used to rule the Lands Between, so it makes sense that they weren't happy about Marika's new reign. Godwyn, however, was able to lead in the defense of the Erdtree. Though the dragons lost, Godwyn earned the trust and friendship of Fortissax during their battle, and the worship of dragons grew, permitted by the Golden Order. Because Godwyn was the champion of this war and not Godfrey, it likely happened during Godfrey's war against the Giants.

Two Liurnian Wars

While Godfrey warred with the Giants and Godwyn warred with the dragons, Radagon led Marika's armies. Radagon's exact role and appearance in history is still shrouded in mystery, but he led two conflicts against Elden Ring's Liurnia of the Lakes, with secrets and sorceries aplenty. Neither of these fights would have a victor. Instead, the second war would end with Radagon renouncing his acts of aggression towards Liurnia. Radagon married Rennnala and they had three children: Radahn, Praetor Rykard, and Ranni. Ranni, chosen as an Empyrean, received her Shadow, Blaidd, when she was young, placing it during this point of the timeline.

Elden Ring's Lands Between & The Age Of The Erdtree

This period was a time of relative peace. Most of the demigods had been born by this point, with the exception of Malenia and Miquella. Despite this being a peaceful era, there are still several key events that occur which lead into a new era of conflict.

Godfrey Is Exiled

After Godfrey felled his last worthy opponent, Marika robbed him and his warriors of their Grace and exiled them from the Lands Between. She said, "My Lord, and thy warriors. I divest each of thee of thy grace. With thine eyes dimmed, ye will be driven from the Lands Between." Godfrey would go back to calling himself Hoarah Loux, becoming Elden Ring's first Tarnished, and his warriors would follow him.

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It's possible that Marika exiled Godfrey because she was already beginning to doubt the Greater Will and plot against it at this point. This possibility is hinted at in another of Melina's recounting of Marika's words. She says, "Then, after thy death, I will give back what I once claimed. Return to the Lands Between, wage war, and brandish the Elden Ring." It would be odd for Marika to encourage Godfrey to grow stronger and return unless she foresaw a need for that strength in the future.

Radagon Leaves Rennala For Marika

After Godfrey's exile, Radagon was summoned back to Leyndell. Radagon left a Great Rune behind with Rennala, but his leaving would break Rennala's heart to the extent that she was no longer a competent leader for the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Despite her followers realizing that she wasn't the champion they believed, Rennala remained at Elden Ring's Academy of Raya Lucaria.

Radagon became the second king consort and Elden Lord. Malenia and Miquella were born of this union, but they were both afflicted. Malenia was born with Scarlot Rot in her body, and Miquella was cursed with eternal childhood. Miquella, and Malenia are chosen as Empyreans.

Night Of Black Knives

Ranni - whom players can serve in Elden Ring - stole a fragment of Destined Death from Maliketh and used it to kill her body and Godwyn's soul in order to free herself from the influence of the Two Fingers. The Black Knife Assassins are all Numen women with close ties to Marika, which is mentioned in the descriptions for the Black Knife set. As a result of the Night of Black Knives, Maliketh made his blade with Destined Death part of his body to prevent another theft.

The Shattering Provoked Elden Ring's Great War

The Shattering is the term used for the war between the demigods for Great Runes and power in the Lands Between. Sparked by Godwyn the Golden's assassination, Elden Ring's Shattering was the culmination of growing doubt in the Greater Will throughout the previous eras. Marika made preparations to war against the Greater Will by exiling Godfrey to grow stronger, but it seems that her plan for Godfrey once he returned was either disrupted by Ranni, or Marika felt that she could no longer wait to make her move and helped Ranni plot the Night of Black Knives.

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Marika Shatters The Elden Ring

Due to her grief, Marika shattered the Elden Ring after the Night of Black Knives. The Runes of Power that composed the Elden Ring were scattered with each of the demigods claiming a Great Rune. Radagon attempted to repair the Elden Ring without success, and became one (or rejoined) with Marika between the shattering of the Elden Ring and the Greater Will's punishment, as is seen in the opening of the cinematic Elden Ring Radagon boss battle when Marika shifts into Radagon. The Greater Will punished Marika by imprisoning her within the Erdtree.

War Of The Demigods

With Runes of Power in their grasp, the demigods began to war against each other to gain more runes. Malenia fought on behalf of her twin brother as the Blade of Miquella. Morgott fought in defense of the Erdtree - which he was successful in defending - but he couldn't enter the tree and claim the title of Elden Lord. Mohg received strength from the Formless Mother, but it's unclear how involved he was in the Shattering. Radahn led his armies against the other demigods, and he would be one of the last two standing along with Malenia. Neither won their final fight as Malenia's Scarlet Rot infected Starscourge Radahn, a mistunderstood Elden Ring hero, to the point that he became little more than a husk of his former self, and unleashing the Rot sent Malenia into a coma.

But not all of the demigods participated in this war. Some searched for alternate paths, as Ranni had in killing her own Empyrean flesh. Miquella tried to create a new version of the Erdtree called the Haligtree, inside which he entered a cocoon. Mohg took Miquella and his cocoon away from the Haligtree during this period. He believed that Miquella would ascend to godhood, and Malenia wasn't there to defend her brother. Praetor Rykard fed himself to an immortal snake and took control of its body. Ranni remained uninvolved in the fights of the Shattering, instead hiding away and plotting to bring in the Age of Stars Elden Ring ending. Throughout this time, Godwyn's body was corrupting the roots of the Erdtree and spreading the curse of Those Who Live in Death.

The Stagnation Of Elden Ring's Lands Between

The Shattering ended without any demigod as the winner, and the Lands Between entered a period of stagnation until the Tarnished Champion arrives. The Greater Will, seeing that none of its chosen Empyreans would succeed Marika, used its Grace to call the Tarnished back from their exile. Its last option to repair the Elden Ring and continue its reignwas to seek a new Elden Lord among the Tarnished and have them repair the Elden Ring.

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During this time, Godfrey returned from his exile, looking to reclaim his throne as Elden Lord. Other prominent Tarnished would return as well, such as Fia, Elden Ring's Deathbed Companion, and Sir Gideon Ofnir. Most of the Tarnished gathered at Roundtable Hold, where the Tarnished Champion is later able to meet them. However, many of them lost their sight of Grace during this period of time.

The stagnation in the Lands Between would end with the Tarnished Champion's arrival at the start of Elden Ring. FromSoftware hides their game lore so that players need to dig for it, reading every item description and paying close attention to dialogue, which makes constructing a perfect and complete timeline a difficult task. Although this is the information currently known about the Lands Between's past, new information is always being found by players. If the hints at DLC are true, then the fandom may receive a new heap of lore to sift through before long, leading to an even better understanding of the world of Elden Ring.

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