One Elden Ring player was looking to invade and kill other players until they stumbled upon the world of a literal Tarnished Jesus and subsequently had their whole belief system change. There are many strange locations, NPCs, and weapons Elden Ring players can find scattered throughout the Lands Between, but sometimes the most unique encounters come when players directly interact with one another.

Like many previous Souls-like titles, a key mechanic that carried over to FromSoftware's open-world interpretation is the concept of co-op and invasions. For Elden Ring, this idea was further expanded to assist individuals that prefer to play solo or offline with the upgradable Spirit Ashes that can be found throughout the Lands Between. While there are some NPC invasions and co-op opportunities that can still happen even in this game state, the truly unpredictable happens when multiple players interact in one game world.

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Reddit user G2Cade shared one such encounter as an Elden Ring invader when they found themselves invading the world of a player literally named "Host of Fingers Jesus" with the aesthetic to back it up. Rather than immediately get into a fight, the host player slowly walks over to G2Cade until they are right in front of one another. Then both players simultaneously hit the Rapture gesture and perform it at the same time. The clip can be viewed below:

In spite of the normally harsh setting found in FromSoftware games, every now and again there are surprisingly wholesome moments such as this that can arise. There are even some players that are taking this mentality to the extreme by doing an Elden Ring pacifist run. This can be contrary to the way that many other players have infamously used certain gestures and messages to make typical FromSoftware jokes that have been around in some form since Demon's Souls.

Though the design of Elden Ring and other Souls-like titles are single-player driven, there is a huge sense of community surrounding these games that expands well beyond the multiplayer component. Sharing strategies and discoveries is a major contributor to the overall success of these games as it provides an old-school type of interaction not present in most modern games. That said, the Elden Ring player community does have its bizarre moments and there are likely many more to come as the title is in the midst of its second month post-launch.

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Source: G2Cade/Reddit