Players in Elden Ring frequently find themselves getting into fights where they are completely outnumbered, but luckily, they can summon NPC allies to aid them with Spirit Ashes. This is not to be confused with Ashes of War. Those are completely different types of items used for modifying weapons and shields. Players can summon other players in addition to spirits to help them out in battle, but the process is a little more convoluted. There are many different spirits to call upon, though only one can be in use at a time, and only in certain areas.

Summoning spirits in Elden Ring costs FP, so players who regularly use magic need to make sure to have a lot of FP before calling spirits. Otherwise, drink a Flask of Cerulean Tears first. Summoning spirits means the player stands completely still for a moment making them vulnerable, so be careful when casting it around enemies.

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To summon the spirits in Elden Ring, players first need to get the Spirit Calling Bell. After they have met Melina, the game's maiden, they must return to the Church of Elleh, found early in the game. There, they will meet the witch Renna who hands them the item. They may need to fast-travel there to get her to appear.

Finding Spirit Ashes in Elden Ring

Elden Ring Lone Wolf Ashes

In addition to the Spirit Calling Bell, Renna also gives players the Lone Wolf Ashes, which summons three wolves. This is a good early game summon in Elden Ring, and for many players will be the first Spirit Ashes they obtain. However, at the beginning of the game players can choose the Fanged Imp Ashes as their keepsake. This is a powerful spirit that summons two imps. Their weapons can cause Blood Loss which works against many enemies. They are also very agile, making it difficult for enemies to hit them. Players might elect to choose another keepsake starting gift, but they are useful Spirit Ashes.

The best way that players find more Spirit Ashes is simply by exploring. They can be found in chests, looted from corpses, and sometimes NPCs give them to players. Once players unlock the Roundtable Hold, and complete the prerequisite NPC quest, Spirit Ashes can be upgraded, making them even more powerful.

Spirits can only be summoned near Rebirth Monuments in Elden Ring, which are small stone statues. Players will know they are in range because of the glowing gravestone icon on the left side of their HUD. Spirits also can’t be summoned in multiplayer because that would be too powerful, both for enemies and possibly for the player’s hardware.

Next: Elden Ring: Complete Walkthrough, Boss Strategies & Build Guides

Elden Ring is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.