Elden Ring has its fair share of incredible weapons, but none top the might of the colossal swords. These large weapons are difficult to swing, but every impact they make will cause the Tarnished's foes to stumble. Many of these swords are strong enough to take down even the toughest of bosses and enemies more quickly.

A solid charged attack from a colossal sword can leave several bosses open for a critical hit. Bosses such as the Elden Beast or Malenia are menaces that can be difficult to deal with. However, with the appropriate amount of stamina and strength, colossal swords are the ideal weapons to take on these types of bosses. Sometimes sacrificing speed for strength is well worth it.

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11 Royal Greatsword - 112

The Royal Greatsword in Elden Ring.

The Royal Greatsword is obtained after killing Blaidd at the end of Ranni's questline. He will appear outside where Ranni's Rise and will be aggressive on sight due to losing his mind. It is a sad way to obtain this magnificent blade alongside Blaidd's armor set.

The Royal Greatsword is a powerful weapon with a physical strength of 112, a magic strength of 134, and scales to strength, dexterity, and intelligence, making it an ideal weapon for players who mix melee and magic into their combat. The Royal Greatsword comes with a unique skill called Wolf's Assault, which befits its original owner. This skill charges the Royal Greatsword with ice magic and sends the player spiraling through the air and slamming the blade down. This attack will then end with a burst of more cold magic.

10 Godslayer's Greatsword - 119

The Godslayer's Greatsword in Elden Ring.

Elden Ring's Godslayer's Greatsword can be acquired in the Divine Tower of Caelid after defeating a Godskin Apostle. It is a twisted blade that once belonged to the Gloam-Eyed Queen who led the Godskin Apostles. However, she was inevitably killed by Maliketh.

The Godslayer's Greatsword has 119 physical strength, 77 fire attack power, and scales to strength, dexterity, and faith. The weapon's focus on faith is perfect, as all the black fire magic spells that draw a connection to the Godskin Apostles in Elden Ring are Incantations that require faith. The Godslayer's Greatsword's special skill is named The Queen's Black Flame. This skill alights the unique blade with black flames and then swipes at opponents with two vicious blows.

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9 Ruins Greatsword - 124

Ruins Greatsword in Elden Ring.

The Ruins Greatsword is found in Elden Ring after killing the Misbegotten Warrior and the Crucible Knight at Redmane Castle Plaza. It is an interesting sword that was crafted from the ruins of a city in the sky. This is possibly from Farum Azula or some other location that there's no knowledge of yet.

The sword possesses a physical strength level of 124 and a low magic strength of 37. The weapon scales to strength and intelligence, with the former needing at least 50 strength to use. Intelligence isn't as heavily required for the sword and only 17 points are needed to wield it alongside the required strength stat. The weapon's special skill, Wave of Destruction, summons a charge of violet electricity that is slammed down, creating a large wave that rushes into enemies.

8 Troll Knight's Sword - 124

Troll Knight's Sword in Elden Ring.

Trolls were given the Troll Knight's Swords by the royals of Caria like one of Elden Ring's best characters, Ranni, and they were marked with just as much respect as humans. This sword can be picked up after slaying one of the Troll Knights at the Caria Manor.

The weapon scales to strength, dexterity, and intelligence. The sword possesses a strength level of 124 and a magic rating of 80. While it does not have any magical attacks akin to the magic of Caria, it does bear a design befitting its affiliation. The skill associated with the Troll Knight's Sword is called Troll's Roar. This is a skill that many trolls in the Lands Between let loose upon the players. The Tarnished replicates it by causing a large shockwave from a roar and then swinging their blade down onto the ground.

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7 Maliketh's Black Blade - 127

Maliketh's Black Blade in Elden Ring.

Maliketh's Black Blade is an incredible Elden Ring weapon that can be unlocked after defeating Maliketh the Black Blade. It is one of the remembrance items that players can unlock with Enia at the Roundtable Hold.

This sword scales to strength, dexterity, and faith and has a strength level of 127 with a holy attack rating of 82. The sword isn't just epic in appearance, and its special skill, Destined Death, is incredibly deadly. Destined Death takes time to perform, but once the Tarnished is finished, they will slam the blade into the ground and dozens of black and red scythe-like energies will appear, whipping at the enemy. This attack deals damage over time and reduces the max health of the enemy.

6 Starscourge Greatsword - 129

Tarnished with the Starscourge Greatsword in Elden Ring.

Starscourge Greatsword is another remembrance item that can be obtained from Enia at the Roundtable Hold, although this one will only be available once the player defeats Starscourge Radahn, one of the Elden Ring bosses with the saddest lore.

This sword actually comes in a pair when the player tries to switch the sword to a two-handed grip. The Starscourge Greatsword scales to strength, dexterity, and intelligence. The physical strength of the weapon is 129, and it also has a magic level of 83. Its special skill, Starcaller Cry, has been a popular favorite of fans. The skill pulls in enemies with a gravitational pull as gravity energy courses around the blades. The skill can then receive a second input where the blades then slam down to inflict serious damage to those close enough.

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5 Zweihander - 141

The Zweihander in Elden Ring.

Zweihander isn't as unique as the previous colossal swords, and it is a fair bit lighter as well which makes it a weapon that can be wielded at a lower level. This sword can be bought from the Isolated Merchant in the Weeping Peninsula near the Ailing Village.

The sword scales to strength and dexterity, making it the perfect weapon for players who rely solely on melee builds. The Zweihander also has a physical strength rating of 141. It comes with a common skill called Stamp (Upward Cut) where the player stamps forward and then deals a powerful upward cut as the name says. However, this can be replaced with other skills by using Ashes of War.

4 Watchdog's Greatsword - 142

The Watchdog's Greatsword in Elden Ring.

The Watchdog's Greatsword is a weapon used by the Erdtree Burial Watchdog bosses and the Lesser Burial Watchdog enemies. The latter is where players can get this colossal sword from in the Consecrated Snowfield or the Mountaintops of the Giants, where they'll find one of the hardest Elden Ring bosses.

This is another sword perfect for melee builds, as it scales to strength and dexterity alone. It's a little bit stronger than the Zweihander, with a strength rating of 142. However, it happens to have the exact same skill as the Zweihander, which can be changed for the weapon as well. While the Watchdog's Greatsword is slightly stronger than the Zweihander, it is also a bit heavier.

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3 Troll's Golden Sword - 155

Tarnished with Troll's Golden Sword in Elden Ring.

The Troll's Golden Sword is a colossal sword that was given to trolls who fought for the Erdtree. This weapon can be found in the chest of a carriage being drawn by a carriage in the Atus Plateau near Leyndell, one of the best invasion locations in Elden Ring.

This sword is similar to the Troll Knight's Sword and has the same skill, which can be replaced with Ashes of War. However, unlike the Troll Knight's Sword, the Troll's Golden Sword scales to strength and dexterity alone. Its physical strength of 155 also makes it a far better suit for melee builds than either the Zweihander or the Watchdog's Greatsword. It also surprisingly weighs less than the Watchdog's Greatsword too.

2 Grafted Blade Greatsword - 162

The Grafted Blade Greatsword

The Grafted Blade Greatsword is a Game of Thrones Easter egg that references the Iron Throne in the popular TV series. This sword can be obtained by killing the Leonie Misbegotten boss at the end of Castle Morne where they will then be awarded the Grafted Blade Greatsword.

The sword is deadly powerful with a physical strength of 162. It also scales only to strength and dexterity. This sword's unique skill is called Oath of Vengeance, which increases all the player's attributes for a limited time. This is a bit different from most skills but it's perfect for players who hate using the skills mid-battle. It's perfect to even activate the ability and to switch to a different weapon, as well.

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1 Greatsword - 164

Tarnished with the Greatsword in Elden Ring.

The Greatsword has appeared in a couple of FromSoftware's Souls games and is a reference to Gut's Dragonslayer sword from Berserk. It is described as "a coarse iron lump of an ultra greatsword," which is similar to Dragonslayer's description. This sword can be found in the chest of a carriage at Dragonbarrow and it is the strongest colossal sword in Elden Ring, with a total physical strength of 164.

Due to its sheer power and reference to Berserk, it has been a popular favorite among many Elden Ring fans. It scales to strength and dexterity alone, with the same Stamp (Upward Cut) skill as the Zweihander and the Watchdog's Greatsword. There are many Ashes of War to give the sword and the player will have to choose what best suits their playstyle. However, Hoarfrost Stomp and Lion's Claw are perfect fits for the blade.

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