Elden Ring is filled with many secrets and hidden details, but one of the coolest is the game's highly detailed inventory items, which are easy to miss due to the game's UI. Art for Ashes of War, prayerbook items, and sorceries are actually highly detailed and visually impressive to look at. However, due to the fact many of these items only take up a small amount of space on the screen, it's easy to miss the attention to detail FromSoftware put in this area.

Elden Ring's Lands Between is filled to the brim with detail and secrets for players to uncover, including Easter eggs, optional boss encounters, and questlines. The scale of the game is massive, easily exceeding that of previous FromSoft games like Dark Souls 3Sekiro, and Bloodborne. However, like those games, Elden Ring is also filled with detail - even when it comes to the items players can pick up during their travels.

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Reddit user elitherenaissanceman posted some high-resolution images of in-game Elden Ring items, bringing a spotlight to their impressive detail. The fine details found in these images are beautiful and can easily be missed by players looking to equip an item in the heat of battle. Every item is clearly designed with care and adds to the exceptional polish found throughout the game. However, a few notable images stand out from the selection posted on the Elden Ring subreddit.

Elden Ring's Items Boast Highly Detailed Artwork

Elden Ring Hi Res Item Artwork

When it comes to stunning visuals in Elden Ring's items, players need to look no further than Incantations and Sorceries. Images of Elden Ring's Dragon Cult Prayerbook and other spellcasting items show intricate details related to the spells, with books showing worn edges, ornate covers, and weathered pages. These items also boast elemental effects, whether that be blood pots or poison bone darts, which ooze a noxious-looking green substance. Unfortunately, it's incredibly easy to miss the detail on display here, which is a huge shame. The in-game artwork is representative of the level of quality that FromSoftware used when designing the world of Elden Ring, which doesn't sacrifice detail despite the massive size of its open world.

Elden Ring been out for a month, and many will have already completed its story and begun a New Game+ save. However, like previous FromSoftware titles, Elden Ring possesses an impressive level of detail. Every image and item is carefully designed for the purpose of expanding the lore of the Lands Between. While plenty of mysteries have been uncovered, Elden Ring surely holds many more secrets left to find.

Next: Elden Ring: Who Fia, Deathbed Companion, Really Is

Source: Reddit/elitherenaissanceman