The Fallingstar Beast Jaw is a claw-shaped Colossal Weapon in Elden Ring that deals striking and piercing damage to enemies. However, the main appeal of this armament will be its unique skill, Gravity Bolt. When activated, Gravity Bolt will summon a thunderbolt empowered by Gravity Sorcery to come crashing down on a single target. Moreover, this skill can be cast in quick succession, allowing its wielder to "spam-cheese" enemies in Elden Ring, making Gravity Bolt extremely effective for ranged combat at a safe distance.

As its name entails, the Fallingstar Beast Jaw is obtained from a Fallingstar Beast, a formidable creature in Elden Ring. As a Colossal Weapon, the Fallingstar Beast Jaw is naturally heavy, weighing a hefty 21.5 points in Equip Load. In addition, the armament has an expensive wielding stat requirement of Strength 34, Dexterity 12, and Intelligence 20. Nevertheless, once Tarnished adventurers can wield and upgrade this beast, they will experience great utility with Gravity Bolt, especially since the skill costs no Stamina and only 13 FP. Additionally, since the weapon skill counts as a magical attack, spellcasters can enhance its damage with the Sorcery Terra Magica.

Related: Elden Ring: How To Get Terra Magicus

The location of the Fallingstar Beast Jaw is in a large crater atop Mt. Gelmir near the Ninth Campsite. The elevated sunken hole serves as the lair of a Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast, the boss that must be defeated to obtain the powerful Colossal Weapon. Those who've previously faced the two Fallingstar Beasts of Sellia Crystal Tunnel or near the Outer Walls of Leyndell will have a practical understanding of how to beat the Full-Grown variant. Nonetheless, keep in mind that this Field Boss is much stronger than its other counterparts and can quickly decimate any unprepared traveler entering its burrow.

Fallingstar Beast Jaw Location In Elden Ring

Fallingstar Beast Jaw Location In Elden Ring

The closest Site of Grace near the boss is the Ninth Mt. Gelmir Campsite. To reach this Grace, Tarnished pilgrims must ascend the mountain starting from the trail at Seethewater River. After crossing through the ravine to Fort Laied, head south past the Magma Wyrm's pool and then northeast through Elden Ring's Hermit Village. Travelers will know they're on the right track once they've encountered or seen the Nomadic Merchant along the journey. Once they've arrived at the Ninth Campsite, they can climb the tall hanging ladder or ride the Spiritspring Jump up to the boss.

The Full-Grown Fallingstar Beast has its basic charging and skewering attacks, including several Gravity abilities. The two Tarnished should watch out for is the rubble splash and the pulsing slam, during which the player is flung into the air and smashed into the ground. These abilities can one or two-shot the player if they aren't careful, so keep one's distance whenever the beast begins to prime these moves. Once the boss is dead, Elden Ring fans can claim their new Colossal Fallingstar Beast Jaw.

Next: Elden Ring: Complete Walkthrough, Boss Strategies & Build Guides

Elden Ring is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.