Players in Elden Ring can gather materials in the world to upgrade the potency and number of uses of their flasks, which can restore health and FP. Doing so can determine the outcome of a difficult fight, as enemies in Elden Ring deal immense amounts of damage. There are two types of flasks in Elden Ring, the Flask of Crimson Tears for healing, and the Flask of Cerulean Tears for recovering FP. By obtaining Sacred Tears and Golden Seeds, players will be able to upgrade the charges and effectiveness of these crucial items.

Flasks have always been a staple in FromSofware games, and Elden Ring is no exception. It is paramount that players keep track of how many charges they have when challenging a tough boss, or a large group of enemies. Fans need to be careful when they drink from their flask because they may leave themselves open to attacks during the animation. Luckily, players in Elden Ring can summon AI spirits and other Tarnished to distract enemies. If an encounter becomes too difficult, fans can try searching for more materials to upgrade their flasks.

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When starting out, the Tarnished has four total charges of these items. By traveling to a Site of Grace, players can allocate the uses between the Flask of Crimson Tears and the Flask of Cerulean Tears, anytime throughout their playthrough. Picking the right moment to recover health or FP can be the deciding factor to winning a fight. Players can upgrade their flasks 10 times, totaling 14 charges. Enhancing the recovery or number of uses can be a substantial boost in survivability. For example, flask charges are reduced by half when invading another player in Elden Ring. There are a number of different ways for fans to acquire the rare materials needed, to upgrade these important items.

How To Upgrade Health And FP Flasks In Elden Ring

Elden Ring Upgrading Flasks Site of Grace

Golden Seeds must be gathered to increase the max charges of flasks in Elden Ring. A great way for players to get a headstart in the game is to pick this item as their Keepsake when choosing a class. Doing so will allow them to upgrade their flask very early on in their playthrough. When traveling across the Lands Between, players can look for glowing Erdtree saplings to gather additional Golden Seeds. Flasks can also be strengthened with Sacred Tears, to increase the health or FP replenished. This can be very helpful for PC players especially because some have been encountering issues since launch, such as invisible enemies in Elden Ring. While players are unable to start with Sacred Tears, they can always be found at the base of a statue in churches. Both upgrade items are used by selecting the "Flasks" option when resting at a Site of Grace.

Flasks are crucial for enduring the brutal combat encounters found in Elden Ring. Being careless, or underestimating an opponent, can lead to defeat rather quickly. A single upgrade could mean surviving an extra boss attack or casting an additional spell. To make the most out of their flasks, players should keep an eye out for Golden Seeds and Sacred Tears.

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