Dragon Hearts are Consumable Items in Elden Ring used to grant Tarnished a variety of Dragon Communion Incantations. Such Incantations include Agheel's Flame, Borealis's Mist, and the infamous Rotten Breath. Tarnished adventurers can exchange Dragon Hearts for these unique Spells at the Cathedral of Dragon Communion in Limgrave or Church of Dragon Communion in Caelid. Furthermore, not all Dragon Communion Incantations cost the same amount of Dragon Hearts. For instance, Magma Breath is priced only at a single heart, while Greyoll's Roar costs three Dragon Hearts.

The Lands Between feature a total of twenty-three obtainable Dragon Hearts that can be used to purchase Dragon Communion Incantations in Elden Ring. However, only twenty are required to obtain every Dragon Communion Spell. Moreover, there are more Dragons throughout the regions than hearts available, meaning that multiple Dragons do not drop Dragon Hearts. Instead, these Dragons typically offer Tarnished separate compensation for their defeat, such as Dragon Cult Incantations or Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones. It should also be noted that Dragonkin in Elden Ring are not considered to be full Dragons. Thus, they do not drop Dragon Hearts as well.

Related: Elden Ring: How to Find (& Use) The Tonic of Forgetfulness

Additionally, just as Dragon Communion Incantations can cost more than one heart, specific Dragons in Elden Ring can drop multiple Dragon Hearts. For example, Elder Dragon Greyoll is a colossal Dragon that rests in front of Fort Faroth. Tarnished adventurers who slay this enormous beast will receive a lucrative sum of Dragon Hearts × 5. On the other hand, Borealis the Freezing Fog, a boss considered to be much more challenging than Greyoll, only drops a single heart. Accordingly, it would be helpful for players to know which Dragons provide Dragon Hearts to build their Spell collection of Dragon Communion Incantations.

Where To Find Every Dragon Heart In Elden Ring

All Dragon Heart Locations In Elden Ring Map 1

Below are all the Dragon Heart locations by each region in Elden Ring.

Limgrave Dragon Hearts

  • Flying Dragon Agheel - Lake Agheel

Liurnia of the Lakes Dragon Hearts

  • Glintstone Dragon Smarag - unnamed rocky island southwest of the Crystalline Woods
  • Glintstone Dragon Adula - Cathedral of Manus Sellus (drops ×3)
  • Three unnamed Glintstone Dragons - northwest of Deep Ainsel Well (each drops ×1)

Caelid Dragon Hearts

  • Magma Wyrm - Gael Tunnel
  • Decaying Ekzykes - northwest of the Cathedral of Dragon Communion
  • Greyoll - west of Fort Faroth (drops ×5)
  • Greyll - Farum Greatbridge

Altus Plateau Dragon Hearts

  • Magma Wyrm Makar - Ruin-Strewn Precipice
  • Magma Wyrm - magma pool south of Fort Laied
  • unnamed Magma Wyrm - below Temple of Eiglay

Mountaintops of the Giants Dragon Hearts

  • Great Wyrm Theodorix - north of Albinaurics Rise (drops ×3)
  • Borealis the Freezing Fog - Freezing Lake
All Dragon Heart Locations In Elden Ring Map 2

As for Dragons that do not drop Dragon Hearts, players can find several unnamed Dragon mobs in northern Caelid and several more in Azula. Furthermore, Dragons like Ancient Dragon Lansseax, Lichdragon Fortissax, and Dragonlord Placidusax do not offer hearts.

Next: Elden Ring: Complete Walkthrough, Boss Strategies & Build Guides

Elden Ring is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.