The Bloodhound Knight Set is a 4-piece collection of armor in Elden Ring worn by the feral Bloodhound Knights of the Lands Between. This set is most recognizable by its hounskull Helm, a beak-shaped helmet that resembles real-world European military attire from the Middle Ages. With an Equip Load of 24.4, the Bloodhound Knight Set is a mediumweight outfit featuring serviceable resistances but superior physical and magical negation in Elden Ring.

The complete Bloodhound Knight Set can be acquired by exploring Gelmir Hero's Grave on Mt. Gelmir in the Altus Plateau. To reach this location, Tarnished must make their way to the Seethewater River, northwest of the Erdtree-Gazing Hill and the Grand Lift of Dectus. Next, they must ascend the mountain, passing through Hermit Village to the Demi-Human Queen Maggie's lair. From here, adventurers can leap across the gap to the northeast to discover the entrance of Gelmir Hero's Grave. This Dungeon is also the location of the Ringed Finger, Mantis Blade, and Bloodhound Knight Floh Spirit Ashes.

Related: Elden Ring: How To Get The Blue Silver Set

Starting from the Site of Grace in Gelmir Hero's Grave, head down the corridor on the left to reach the extensive lava road guarded by Skeletons and a Death Chariot. As Tarnished approach the end of the walkable path, they will encounter a small chasm along the narrow trail where the lava briefly ceases to flow. Walk over to the corner on the right side and drop into the abyss below.

Elden Ring: Finding The Bloodhound Knight Set

Elden Ring Bloodhound Knight Set Location

If Elden Ring fans have correctly positioned themselves before falling, they will land on the corner of a wooden beam. Directly on the right wall, players will find a small entry point leading to a terrace covered with breakable pots. A ladder near the edge of the deck leads down to a Bloodhound Knight's lair below. This particular knight serves as an elite enemy mob instead of an actual mini-boss, as a "title" HP bar will not appear when the fight begins.

The chamber is relatively small, which might cause the battle with this nimble Bloodhound Knight to be a challenge. However, Tarnished adventurers can cheese this enemy by remaining atop the terrace above and using ranged attacks or throwables until the knight dies. Afterward, descend the ladder and loot the opponent's body to acquire the Bloodhound Knight Set in Elden Ring. Within the same room, players can loot another corpse near the sarcophagus in the back to obtain the Gelmir Knight Set. Those looking to fully embrace the Bloodhound Knight role can get the Bloodhound's Fang from the Forlorn Hound Evergaol in Limgrave and the Bloodhound Claws from the Volcano Manor Basement.

Next: Elden Ring: Complete Walkthrough, Boss Strategies & Build Guides

Elden Ring is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC.