In Phasmophobia, players need to purchase and use professional ghost hunting equipment. They will primarily use this equipment to locate the ghost's room in the haunted house and gather and use evidence that will help them identify the ghost and complete the match. However, they also need certain equipment to help them complete objectives, stay alive, earn more money, and learn more about the ghost. Equipment can get pricey, and at the start of the game, players won't have access to a lot of what is available. To earn money, players need to complete the objectives listed on the whiteboard and make sure to take pictures of ghostly activity.

Related: Can Phasmophobia Be Played Solo

Photographing ghostly activity and interactions with the home is the most effective way to earn a lot of money in the game. Players will need to purchase and equip a digital point-and-click camera and use it each game to earn more money as photo rewards. There are seven kinds of photos that will result in a payout for the team. However, every camera can only be used a maximum of five times, so players will need more than one, possibly equipped by two separate teammates, to earn every reward in a single game. Here's how to get every photo reward in Phasmophobia.

Every Photo Reward in Phasmophobia

A player comes face-to-face with a ghost's silhouette in Phasmophobia

Only certain pictures taken during a game in Phasmophobia will result in a cash reward. They fall into one of seven categories corresponding to the categories in the journal where images will be stored. Each represents an interaction with the ghost or some kind of ghostly activity. The reward categories are:

  • Ghost
  • Fingerprints/Footprints
  • Dirty Water
  • Ouija Board/Voodoo Doll
  • Interaction
  • Corpse
  • Bone

When players get a picture of any of these, they will be logged in the journal with a label. If a label fails to appear, that means the image didn't register and will need to be retaken if the player wants to earn money for it.


Players need to snap a picture of the ghost or its shadow when it first appears. Players can get the ghost to appear by using its full name or asking it direct questions. It's easiest to find the ghost in its room in the house, so players should concentrate on figuring out where the room is first.


Players will need to take a picture of ghostly fingerprints or footprints around the house. These can only be seen if the player uses the UV Light or Glowstick, so one teammate may need to shine the light while the other snaps the photo. Only five ghost types leave fingerprints or handprints, making it a piece of evidence for identifying the ghost:

  • Spirit
  • Wraith
  • Poltergeist
  • Banshee
  • Revenant

Most ghosts can leave behind footprints. These are easiest to see after the house has been sprinkled with salt.

A player takes a picture of a sink full of dirty water in Phasmophobia

Dirty Water

To get a picture of dirty water in the sink, the players need to irritate the ghost and get it to turn on the faucet in the kitchen or bathroom. Easy ways to do this include gathering in one area, being noisy, using the ghost's full name, and asking the ghost direct questions. Players will want to be careful, however, as this could cause the ghost to begin a hunting phase.

Ouija Board/Voodoo Doll

The Ouija Board and Voodoo Doll sometimes appear on a map as a sign of the ghost's presence. The Ouija Board has around a 33% chance of spawning and tends to do so in attics, basements, or closets. Before interacting with it, players can snap a photo. It is not currently known how frequently the Voodoo Doll spawns, but players will need to grab a photo of it any time they see it for extra cash.


As the ghost becomes more active in the house or building, it will interact with the environment, doing things like opening and closing doors, turning off lights, turning on a radio, or making the phone ring. If a player snaps a photo of any of these things, even the sound-based interactions, this will result in a reward.

An empty room in Phasmophobia


Players can snap a photo of the body of any teammate that was killed by the ghost. This counts as an image of a ghost interaction and will result in a reward. Sometimes, players can choose one teammate to sacrifice for this purpose.


Like the Ouija Board or Voodoo Doll, players may see a bone laying around the building. It is an indication of a ghostly presence and can be photographed for a reward.

Each labeled picture a player takes will result in $10 if the player is still alive at the end of the game and $5 if the player is killed before the end of the game. This scales up based on map difficulty levels, so there is potential to earn quite a bit of money this way.

Players should note they can get pictures even through walls and doors, and they can get pictures of some things through a window or in the reflection of a mirror or TV.

Next: How to Raise Sanity in Phasmophobia

Phasmophobia is available for PC.