Windmill jumping puzzles in Dying Light 2 Stay Human allow players to create new safe zones around the map. Players will find large windmills scattered across the city throughout their time in Dying Light 2. Finding and completing the puzzles associated with each of the windmills activates new safe zones that become inhabited by NPC characters. Once all the NPCs move in, players have a new safe zone to visit.

There are 17 windmills in Dying Light 2 Stay Human located throughout the game’s map. Players will recognize windmills as large spinning structures that are often brown and rusted over. In order to activate each windmill, players must complete a jumping challenge that leads them to the top of the structure. Players must use problem-solving and parkour skills, not unlike those used by Dwight in The Office, to reach the summits of the rusty power sources. Once at the top of the windmill, players must reset breakers and fuses to unlock the safe zone.

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Once players find a windmill they want to climb, they should look at the windmill icon on the map. Highlight the windmill icon to reveal a title card for the windmill on the left side of the screen. The number next to the lightning bolt icon on the top of the card indicates the number of stamina players must have to complete the parkour challenge. If the lightning icon is red, players do not have enough stamina to climb the windmill. If the icon is white, players do have enough stamina to climb it. Green icons have already been completed. If players have a nearby metro station unlocked for fast travel, it makes traversing to a windmill much quicker and easier.

Completing Windmill Jumping Parkour Puzzles In Dying Light 2 Stay Human

Dying Light 2 Stay Human Windmill Parkour Jumping Challenge

The rank of the surrounding location must also be taken into consideration while planning a windmill climb in Dying Light 2. While using the map, highlight the borough in which the windmill is located. If the rank of the borough is too high, players may have a hard time getting to the windmill in the first place. Borough ranks that are one level higher than player level are feasible, however, borough ranks that are two or more levels higher are significantly harder. Picking windmills in a feasibly ranked borough makes the process swift and easy.

Once players arrive at a windmill in Dying Light 2, they must complete the jumping puzzle and reach the fusebox at the top. Each windmill has a different pathway that must be discovered to scale it. Look out for yellow objects, since yellow objects indicate pieces of a structure that can be scaled with parkour. Windmill jumping puzzles include unique obstacles like moving structures and inner tube launch pads, but the objective is always the same: reset the fuse box at the top. Once the windmill is powered on, the surrounding area becomes a safe zone with UV light, storage, shelter, and merchant NPCs from the territory’s faction. Although safe zones aren't filled with valuable loot like the Secret Developer Room, they are still important sections of land in the apocalypse.

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Dying Light 2 Stay Human is available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC.