A Dying Light 2: Stay Human glitch seemingly turns Maya into a nearly-headless NPC. The sequel to 2015’s Dying Light was released earlier this month and has been received generally well by both players and critics. However, one of the game’s main criticisms are the technical issues players have been facing since it launched. To put the number of bugs and glitches the game has into perspective, developer and publisher Techland released a patch containing 1,000 bug fixes for Dying Light 2 on the day of the game’s launch.

Apart from its technical issues, another area where Dying Light 2 is said to be relatively lackluster is its story. In spite of its supposed greater focus on its narrative compared to its predecessor, the game’s plot as well as the cast of characters that it hosts are said to be some of the game’s weakest elements. When the game was revealed back in 2019, Techland teased that Dying Light 2 would offer players a massive branching storyline that would significantly change the game depending on the player’s choices. While the final game still offers that to some degree, as well as giving Dying Light 2 several endings, it’s still a fraction of what the studio initially showed off.

Related: Dying Light 2: Changes Between 2019 Gameplay Demo Vs Final Game

Reddit user ZealousidealFilm4763 (via GameRant) shared their nearly-headless Maya experience on the Dying Light subreddit. ZealousidealFilm4763 approached Maya as part of one of Dying Light 2’s in-game conversations. However, there was something obviously amiss with Maya as her head can visibly be seen spinning around her upper torso in every which way in an apparent glitch. The rest of Maya’s body has also seemingly glitched out as her entire torso has abnormally twisted away and towards the bed while their legs and feet are still positioned correctly, facing ZealousidealFilm4763. Furthermore, apart from her head, Maya’s entire body seems to be frozen in place instead of moving around like they should during the conversation.

Click here to view the original post on Reddit.

The glitched out conversation with Maya is just one of the many technical issues players are facing in the game. Fortunately, Techland’s five-year support promise for Dying Light 2 will hopefully mean that problems like this will eventually no longer exist and people’s attention shifts towards the game’s current and future content.

While this specific glitch isn’t exactly game-breaking and could be seen as amusing by some, there are others that stop players from doing certain things in the game or progressing further into the story. Hopefully, Techland is able to deal with all of these problems in a timely manner so players can fully focus on enjoying the game itself. For now, players can look forward to Dying Light 2's first DLC, which was also recently announced.

Next: Why Kyle Crane Isn't In Dying Light 2

Dying Light 2: Stay Human is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

Source: ZealousidealFilm4763 (via GameRant)