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In Dying Light 2: Stay Human, players can find several hidden weapons that range from comedic but useless to incredibly powerful. Because these secret weapons can be scattered all over the map, players may want to wait until they have completed most of the main story before attempting to search for them. Weapons are just some of the secrets Dying Light 2 is hiding, but they are among the most fun to discover.

To find the secret weapon Cyber Hands 2177 in Dying Light 2, players will need to reach the top of the VNC Tower. To gain access to the top of the tower, players will need to complete the Broadcast mission. Once the mission is completed, players will be able to easily ride an elevator to the top of the tower. While the rooftop of VNC can technically be reached another way, it is significantly easier to wait to unlock the elevator. To retrieve the weapon, players should head to the Southwest edge of the building’s roof. From that corner, players can use their glider to travel to a nearby visible rooftop with a lot of moss and an unmistakable antenna protruding from it.

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Once players use the glider in Dying Light 2 to land on the moss-covered rooftop, they should climb the ducts on the Southern side of the roof until they spot a nearby building covered in trees. Players will know they have found the correct building if they see the NPC the Liquidator standing on the roof. Players should glide to his location and interact with the NPC to receive the blueprint for Dying Light 2's unique weapon, Cyber Hands 2177. While this hidden weapon is not especially powerful in-game, it is fun to use and is also a reference to Cyberpunk 2077's Mantis Blades.

Dying Light 2 Hidden Weapon: The Left Finger of gloVa

From the top of the VNC Tower, players can also find the hidden weapon Left Finger of gloVa in Dying Light 2. From the tower, players should glide to the rooftop covered in moss with an antenna visible. Once there, players can pull the cable out of the green terminal in close proximity to drop down two levels. Players should then insert the cables from the green terminal into the red terminal. Players should repeat this process of removing the cables from the green terminal, dropping by two levels, and inserting cables into the red terminal a total of three times.

Once complete, players will find they can engage a switch and open a door. In the room, players will find a bed they should sleep on. Doing so will unlock a hidden chamber behind a poster and reward the player with the blueprint for the Left Finger of gloVa. While acquiring this weapon may be tedious, this powerful shotgun is one of the best weapons in the game. Check out the video from HarryNinetyFour on YouTube above to see the exact weapon location in Dying Light 2.

Secret Dying Light 2 Weapon: Pan of Destiny

To find the Dying Light 2 Pan of Destiny weapon, which always returns to the player after they throw it, players should travel to the Renegade complex introduced near the end of the main story. Once inside, players should search for the room blocked off with wood and filled with a large tank. Players should walk up the stairs inside that room until they find themselves in a room with an orange tent. Inside, players will discover a caged chicken. If players interact with the chicken, they will be given the quest Space Cock, which is a request to find a part for the chicken's spaceship. Once players complete this quest and return the part to the chicken, he will gift players the blueprint for the Pan of Destiny. See the above video from Jade PG for a visualization of where this Dying Light 2 secret weapon is located.

Dying Light 2's Secret Soccer Ball

While only arguably a weapon, the United in Fun – Everyone Can Play Blueprint in Dying Light 2 is definitely a secret, and getting it unlocks a soccer ball that can be thrown at enemies to stun them temporarily. To find this unique weapon in Dying Light 2, travel to the Trinity area's Community Soccer Field. Once at the field, search for a soccer ball. Once players have the ball, move it into a nearby goal and leave the area. Upon returning, players should again put the ball in a goal. Players will need to score a total of nine goals using this method - see the YouTube video from xGarbett above. Once players have scored the ninth goal, the field will light up and a celebratory zombie will appear. Players need to defeat this zombie to earn the blueprint for Dying Light 2's secret soccer ball.

Next: Dying Light 2: How to Unlock Co-Op

  • Dying Light 2 Game Poster
    Dying Light 2
    Dying Light
    Action, RPG, FPS, Horror
    PC, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X
    How Long To Beat:
    70-80 hours
    Dying Light