The world of Dreams has provided players with the ability to create their own entertainment. From music videos to games, players on the platform are encouraged to create and share their own designs and creations with one another. However, diving into the world can be a little tricky.

Finding the right place to create content can be frustrating. The game lets players create complex and borderline complete games, which means the creation of them can be a little tricky. Luckily, it doesn't have to be.

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Creating the Best Dreams

LSD Dream Emulator PlayStation

The world of Dreams is unlike any other. The game is absolutely different, and gamers are creating their own works of art all over the Dreamscape. Although this sounds silly, the first step in making an amazing game in Dreams is to complete the tutorials in Dream Shaping Mode. No one ever likes to hear that, but for Dreams, it's incredibly important that players finish these out.

This game doesn't function like other games where, if you have previous experience then you'll automatically be good at the game. Instead, take the time to play any and all tutorials before jumping in. Otherwise, you'll end up lost and confused as to how to put things together.

These tutorials are actually fairly fun. The game works to keep some of the mundane aspects entertaining. So although the word "Tutorial" sounds terrible, in respect to game creation in Dreams, it's actually a delight. Additionally, each tutorial corresponds to a player's skill. As players get better at navigating the Dreamscape, the tools and tricks in the tutorial will become more tricky.

Also, completing different tutorials will give players a chance to win items that can be later used to create levels. Players will have access to new characters, items, environments, and sometimes even new Imps purely by finishing the different tutorials the game has to offer. These items will come in handy once players decide to jump into game building. You never know what could happen once players get the hang of how the game handles.

Where to Start

Once players have completed the tutorials, it's time to move on to creating a dream. Don't feel obligated to start from scratch, either. Players are able to copy some of their favorite levels and "remix" them, allowing players to change how the level originally functioned. To enter this mode, simply select Dream Shaping, then My Dreams, and then select Browse and Remix. This will open a selection window where players can select the levels they wish to change.

If players have decided to create their own level from scratch, it's in a bit of a different place. Players will go to Dream Shaping, then My Dreams, and then select Start from Scratch. When creating a dream, one of the first things to keep in mind is don't feel the need to start big. Start buy building a rock or a tree, then move from there. This way, creating the entire level doesn't feel as overwhelming.

Some of the most important things to keep in mind are the tricks the tutorial taught players. For example, one of the best ways to expand a level easily is by cloning objects and continually placing them on the level. This expands the level easily and quickly, giving players an easy method of creating uniformity in their game.

A Few Small Tips for Dreams

There are also a few small things players can do to ensure that creation in the world of Dreams is simple. Although the tutorials will go through a lot of basics, some aspects of the game just take some getting used to.

One of the biggest things players need to get used to is the functions of the in-game camera. The game's camera does function like any first-person game would, where the left joystick controls a player's movement and the right joystick controls the player's field of view. However, when in Dream Shaping mode, players are literally allowed to view everything on the level. There are a few additional controls players should remember that is a bit out of the norm. Players can hold L1 and use the left stick the change vertically. This will help create levels that are up and down rather than side to side. There's also the "grabcam," where players can zoom in and out quickly. By moving the Imp over an object, then pressing and holding R1 to grab it, players will be able to use the left stick to zoom in and out very quickly. These tricks really can help create levels in Dreams.

Additionally, tweaking the controls on the player's Imp is extremely helpful. Media Molecule recommends using the motion controls to move the Imp, however, some players may find this method of control to wiley. To get more control over the Imps motions, adjusting the controller sensitivity will help in keeping the adorable Imp under control. Additionally, the R2 button does react in-game to how hard the button is pushed. Pressing the R2 button halfway will allow players to slowly nudge objects with the Imp. This will help move objects every so slightly that they need to be placed just a tiny bit in a different direction. However, holding the R2 button all the way down will help move the object completely.

The biggest thing to remember while creating things in the world of Dreams is to not feel discouraged. Keep trying! Do different things! And above all, never compare your work to someone else's. You can take inspiration for how different players handle different situations, but comparing the player's work against one another is not really fair to anyone. Just keep trying!

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Dreams is now available on PlayStation.