With so many wonderful television shows plaguing the airwaves and streaming sites, it can be easy to forget some of the wonderful shows that we watched as children, such as Drake and Josh, the simple Nickelodeon sitcom about two step-brothers living together in San Diego.

RELATED: 10 Hilarious Memes Inspired By Nickelodeon's Drake & Josh

Despite the simple premise, the show lasted for four seasons and established an incredibly loyal fan-base among its prepubescent audience members, largely due to how relatable and hysterical the characters on the show were. But, which character is your favorite? The answer might reveal more about you than you'd think!


drake and josh

Mindy began the series as Josh's nemesis as the two continually attempted to outdo each other at the annual Science Fair. That said, Mindy became a much more prominent character when she and Josh started dating, though, luckily, the show didn't dumb her down at all and kept her outpacing Josh in terms of intellect.

If Mindy is your favorite character, perhaps you're a person who is slightly more intellectual than average—and you may not be shy about expressing that—but rest assured that there's nothing wrong with being the smartest person in the room... so long as you aren't too smug about it.


drake and josh

He certainly wouldn't be considered a main character, but Gavin was always hanging out in the background, contributing two or three lines that were always comedic, usually having to do with some sort of obscene task that Helen would ask him to accomplish at The Premiere.

If Gavin is your favorite character, you could be a person who has no problem blending into a crowd, mainly because you know exactly how to get that crowd cracking up if you really wanted to.

Crazy Steve

drake and josh

If ever there were a character that needed a spin-off, it's Crazy Steve, the manic worker at The Premiere. While he may have never had any episodes that centered around him, his spontaneous outbursts occurred just about as often as he appeared and they always produced a laugh.

RELATED: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Nickelodeon's Drake & Josh

With Crazy Steve being your favorite character, it's quite possible you're a person who also suffers from similar issues and can sympathize with the problems Steve himself had to cope with on a daily basis.

Eric and Craig

drake and josh

Drake and Josh didn't have too many friends that they would routinely interact with, though the sole exceptions were Craig and Eric, Josh's nerdy friends. While Josh may have gotten along with the two best-friends, Drake could have stood to be a little bit nicer to the duo, especially since he never even learned to tell them apart.

If your favorite characters are Eric and Craig, make no mistake that you're an incredibly loyal friend. however, be careful and cautious to the fact that some of your "friends" may just be using you.


drake and josh

When Drake and Josh weren't at their house or school, chances are they were at The Premiere, either hanging out or working. So, it was only natural that Josh's boss, Helen, would become a prominent character, her main trait being that she adored Drake and ignored Josh regardless of how much Josh tried to impress her.

With Helen as your favorite character, it's probable thta you're a person who thrives under leadership roles, though it could also be possible that you don't necessarily show the proper appreciation to all the right people when you get into said roles.


drake and josh

As the father of Drake and Josh, Walter himself spent nearly half of his time on the series doing everything he could to try and stop the boys from doing something stupid, but, suffice it to say that he very seldom succeeded. That's why, the other half of the time, he was busy reprimanding and disciplining the boys for whatever stupid thing they did.

If Walter is your favorite character, you might be a person who, on the surface, does absolutely everything right when it comes to difficult situations, though you may not always be rewarded for it.


drake and josh

While Walter may have been the parent that ultimately had to discipline the boys for their wrongdoings, it was Audrey whom the boys routinely tried their best to hide all of their wacky antics from, mainly because she was more prone to freak out and ground them, somewhat secluding her role to simply being the out-of-touch mother while the antics occurred without her knowing.

RELATED: 10 Best Episodes of Drake & Josh, Ranked (According To IMDb)

If Audrey is your favorite character, it's possible that you're a person who isn't so great at picking up subtle hints or clues, quite often needing to be spoon-fed information before being able to add two-and-two—especially when it comes to your deceitful children.


Megan. The name itself just stinks of evil thanks to the mischievous and dastardly schemes concocted by the boy's nine-year-old sister. While she grew to the age of 13 by the end of the series, her pranks and traps grew even more elaborate and threatening, often leaving her brothers scarred, maimed, or otherwise tricked into taking the blame for something she did.

If Megan is your favorite character, there is a high chance that you're a person who might appreciate the value of deception and posses the ability to trick those around you through mundane pranks—but be careful to make sure that your pranks are all in good fun and aren't actually harmful, as Megan's occasionally were.


drake and josh

Josh may have started the series as the goofy and awkward sibling that was meant to be the polar opposite of the suave Drake, but, over the course of the show, Josh quickly grew into his own self-assurances, and, for the first time in his life, started to feel comfortable in his own skin, in no small part from hanging out with Drake for so many years.

If Josh is your favorite character, it's quite possible that you're a steadfast sibling who is incredibly loyal, even when you maybe shouldn't be, but you also might be a person who is incredibly intelligent and doesn't let obstacles, even your siblings, get in your way.


There was never any question that Drake was the 'cool' brother—he played guitar in a band, was the most popular kid in school, etc.—and he accurately figured having an awkward brother like Josh would cramp his style. Luckily, over the course of the series, Drake came to appreciate Josh and his quirkiness and grew into a much more tolerant and accepting person.

With Drake being your favorite character, perhaps you're a person who is aware of the fact that people can change for the better if they truly wish to, though you might also be the person who needs a little experience and guidance before finally admitting that change can be a good thing.

NEXT: 10 Interesting Behind-The-Scenes Facts About Drake & Josh: Really Big Shrimp