Screen Rant

  • Doctor Strange’s villain Dormammu may be evil… 1 / 7

    Doctor Strange in The Oath
  • But he often disguises his evil intentions under the guise of generosity! 2 / 7

    Dormammu in Doctor Strange Vertical
  • In one offbeat adventure, Dormammu was prevented from conquering Earth by the Ancient One… 3 / 7

    Ancient One Marvel Comics Vertical
  • Who drew up an insanely long contract full of clauses that kept Dormammu from using his full powers! 4 / 7

  • One clause prevented Dormammu from summoning his army of four billion Mindless Ones… 5 / 7

    Doctor Strange movie Dormammu vertical
  • By stating he could only summon one Mindless One for every red convertible on Earth! 6 / 7

  • In response, Dormammu transformed EVERY vehicle on Earth into a red convertible - YOU get a car, and YOU get a car... 7 / 7