Trailers for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness have secretly shown Scarlet Witch using House of M powers against Doctor Strange and America Chavez. From the very moment Marvel announced Elizabeth Olsen's Scarlet Witch would play a major role in Doctor Strange 2, there were suspicions she would be a villain rather than a hero. After all, in the comics, Scarlet Witch's Chaos Magic rewrote reality itself, almost wiping out the entire mutant race. What's more, this dark sorcery is tied to an Elder God named Chthon, a monstrous being who seeks to conquer this entire dimension. Every time Chaos Magic is used, the boundaries protecting this reality from Chthon are weakened.

Those theories became ever more likely after WandaVision, which retconned Wanda Maximoff as a sorceress all along, and revealed her to be the Scarlet Witch, capable of manipulating Chaos Magic. Unsurprisingly, although the trailers for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness have shown Strange going to Wanda for help, there have been consistent rumors she'll serve as an enemy rather than an ally. Indeed, Scarlet Witch may be the real cause of the multiversal chaos Doctor Strange and other heroes such as Xochitl Gomez America Chavez will be trying to deal with.

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A subtle detail in Doctor Strange 2 trailers and TV spots may well confirm this. It shows Doctor Strange and America Chavez plunging through the multiverse, their bodies fragmenting in strange cubes. At first glance, it's reminiscent of some sequences seen in Doctor Strange's "Magical Mystery Tour" scene, where Strange's astral form was blasted through the multiverse by the Ancient One. But the specific effect is actually reminiscent of the classic Marvel Comics story "House of M," and it's associated with the use of Chaos Magic to rewrite reality. The implication is that the two superheroes are being attacked by Chaos Magic.

Doctor Strange America Chavez Chaos Magic

It's likely, therefore, that this scene shows Doctor Strange being attacked by Scarlet Witch. If this is indeed the case, then it's striking Strange seems to be attempting to flee into the multiverse. In WandaVision, Agatha Harkness warned Scarlet Witch's power exceeded that of the Sorcerer Supreme, and it seems she wasn't underestimating. Doctor Strange may believe he's powerful enough to claim the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme, but he seems to be completely out of his depth.

However, it is possible the scene is hinting at another twist. Marketing for Doctor Strange 2 is avoiding revealing the true identity of the film's main villain. It's entirely possible that, as in the comics, Scarlet Witch's magic has unwittingly freed the Elder God who created Chaos Magic: Chthon in the comics, a being who could potentially be blended with other Elder Gods for the MCU. Chthon is the true master of Chaos Magic, and he could be the one forcing Strange to flee in the Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Magic trailers and TV spots.

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