The return of the annual Solstice event in Destiny 2 has brought some new features in the game that are only available to complete for a limited time, including the Event Challenges that accompany the festivity. Traditionally, the various events in Destiny 2 have always included a couple of quests, activities, and bounties to pursue as Guardians participate in the activities. While these features are still part of Solstice this year, a new set of objectives known as Event Challenges can also be completed. Event Challenges task players with completing various tasks across the system, and Guardians will be rewarded well for achieving them.

Every challenge found in the new Solstice Event Card in Destiny 2 will reward players with Kindling and Event Tickets. Kindling is needed to fully upgrade the Candescent armor set that accompanies Solstice, while Event Ticket can be used to purchase additional cosmetics found in the Event Card. While the standard Event Card will reward players with both Kindling and Event Tickets for completing the challenges, only those who purchase the upgrade Event Card can spend their tickets on the additional cosmetics. Upgrading the card costs 1,000 Silver, the premium currency used in Destiny 2.

Related: Destiny 2: How To Get Kindling (Solstice 2022)

Guardians have less than three weeks to complete every Event Challenge as Solstice concludes on Aug 9 during the weekly reset. Once the reset happens, the Event Card and its challenges will be removed from the quests tab, preventing Guardians from being able to further upgrade their Solstice armor in Destiny 2. Those who have limited time to participate in the event should focus on the best challenges to complete first in order to upgrade as many armor pieces as possible. In particular, those who play on all three classes of Guardians may find the challenges listed below the easiest to complete of the 24.

Best Solstice Challenges To Complete First In Destiny 2

Best Solstice Challenges To Complete First In Destiny 2

The challenges below are the best ones to complete first in Solstice because they have relative overlap with one another. For example, players can progress through the Shotgun Solstice, Forged in Flame, and Like Wildfire challenges at the same time. Additionally, when completing any of the Solstice Event Challenges, it's important to remember that the word "targets" refers to any enemy in PvP or PvE activities, whereas "combatants" refers to PvE enemies specifically. For the previously mentioned challenges, the Trials of Osiris mode in Destiny 2 is a great place to progress all three of them at once.

  • Good Ignite: Defeat 20 Ignition Carriers in the Bonfire Bash.
  • Torch the Taken: Defeat 20 Taken in the Bonfire Bash.
  • Like Wildfire: Defeat targets anywhere in the system. Defeating Guardians awards bonus progress.
  • Superlative: Defeat targets with Super abilities.
  • Pyromania: Defeat combatants with Solar abilities.
  • Forged in Flame: Defeat opposing Guardians in any activity.
  • Hand Lighter: Defeat targets with Hand Cannons.
  • Shotgun Solstice: Defeat targets with Shotguns.
  • Lamplighter: Complete 10 Patrols on any destination to earn Silver Leaves.\

Next: Destiny 2: How To Get Silver Leaves (Solstice 2022)

Destiny 2 is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Google Stadia platforms.