Slade Wilson, also known as Deathstroke, was once so determined to kill Superman that he turned his own daughter into a horrifying weapon in DC Comics–a process that would have certainly killed her if it remained unchecked. Deathstroke is a world-class assassin who is unrelenting when it comes to taking out a target, as he will do whatever is necessary to eliminate them. While his plan to kill Superman is atrociously heartless, it was a sound plan that would have worked if not for the interference of his arch enemy, Nightwing.

In Nightwing #115 by Devin Grayson and Phil Hester, Nightwing seemingly gave up his life as a superhero to become the villainous Renegade, though it’s revealed that he was actually being forced by Slade to work for him against his will. Under his new moniker, Nightwing partnered with Deathstroke’s daughter, Ravager, for a mysterious special mission. Deathstroke tasked Nightwing and Ravager to contact Superman, an opportunity Nightwing uses to try to send a secret message to Superman that he actually isn’t a villain. However, before Superman got clued in to Nightwing’s circumstance, Deathstroke launched his secret anti-Superman weapon.

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Before the meeting, Deathstroke surgically implanted a piece of Kryptonite into one of Ravager’s eye sockets, making her a living weapon against Superman. When she had the opportunity in this issue, Ravager removed her mask and jumped on Superman. Instinctively, Superman throws her off of him, but since their meeting was atop a tall building, Superman just as instinctively saved her from falling to her death. At that point, Superman was face-to-face with his one weakness, and the two fell to the ground with Ravager safe in Superman’s arms. Nightwing followed them down and pulled Ravager away from Superman before the effects of the Kryptonite killed him.

Deathstroke turned his daughter into a Superman-killing weapon.

After Nightwing saved Superman’s life, he found a way to permanently sever ties with Deathstroke and returned to his life as Nightwing. However, being the hero that he is, he couldn’t just let Ravager suffer because of her father’s evil deeds. In Nightwing #117, Nightwing tells Ravager that Kryptonite can be incredibly harmful to humans after long-term exposure, noting that Lex Luthor lost his hand because of the Kryptonite ring he always wore. Once Ravager learns the truth, she runs away from Slade to undo the deadly procedure.

If Nightwing hadn’t been there to stop Ravager in Nightwing #115, Superman would have been killed and Deathstroke would have succeeded in his sinister plot. Using Superman’s good nature against him, he put his own daughter in harm's way just to get her close to the Man of Steel, a plan which, tactically speaking, was genius while also being absolutely despicable as Deathstroke turned his own daughter into a horrifying weapon just to kill Superman.

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