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In DayZ, all players must constantly be aware of the diseases and sicknesses that they can contract, along with the symptoms and activities associated with them. DayZ has several ailments that can plague players, from something as simple as a common cold to severe issues like a hemolytic reaction. Fortunately, most of the diseases and sickness in DayZ have cures, but, unfortunately, in true survival game fashion, there are a few diseases in DayZ that prohibit players from recovering at all.

DayZ Sicknesses You Can Cure

A player in DayZ sitting next to a campfire at dusk
  • Cholera: After drinking contaminated water and vomiting, take Tetracycline Pills to cure Cholera.
  • Cold: Developed from having a low body temperature, being in DayZ's outdoor areas with rain for too long, or from other survivors. Symptoms include sneezing and coughing, and it requires Tetracycline Pills to cure.
  • Chemical Poisoning: Developed after drinking alcoholic tinctures, gasoline, or disinfectant spray. Symptoms include dehydration and blood loss, which can be cured with Charcoal Tablets.
  • Heart Attack: Heart attacks happen in DayZ after a quick loss of blood or a great amount of shock and can result in unconsciousness, health damage, and even death. Treat Heart Attacks in DayZ with the Epinephrine Auto-injector.
  • Influenza: Developed from having a low body temperature, being in the rain for too long, or from other survivors. Symptoms include sneezing and coughing, and it requires Tetracycline Pills to cure.
  • Salmonella: In DayZ, salmonella poisoning can occur after eating uncooked or raw meat and requires Charcoal Tablets to cure.

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DayZ Diseases You Can't Cure

A DayZ player walks down a road filled with abandoned vehicles
  • Brain Disease: Brain disease comes from players eating one another, and the symptoms are uncontrollable laughter and random tremors. The random tremors make it more difficult to aim weapons in DayZ, and the effects of brain disease are permanent until the player respawns with a new character.
  • Hemolytic Reaction: A hemolytic reaction occurs in DayZ after receiving blood that isn't compatible with the player's blood type and causes blood loss and health damage. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this in DayZ.
  • DayZ doesn't pull any punches when it comes to disease and sickness, which is why it's one of the ultimate survival games. Any sort of sickness can be fatal in DayZ, especially for players getting started for the first time or a new respawn.

Healing Items & Disease Treatment in DayZ

DayZ Player Looking Toward A Township

To better understand how healing and treatment work in DayZ, players should try to memorize the different types of healing items and their uses. Bandages, for example, are used for treating wounds and bleeding that can be done more efficiently than using a rag, but players can recover lost blood through several means. If players are moderately fed and hydrated in DayZ, they'll begin to heal blood over time. However, those looking to recover blood more quickly, like when hunting in DayZ, will need to use a Blood Collection Kit, IV Starter Kit, Saline Bag, and even a Blood Test Kit. Below are all the healing items in DayZ and what they are used for:

Item Name

Used As

Alcoholic Tincture


Chlorine Tablets


Disinfectant Spray


Iodine Tincture


Blood Bag Kit

Medical Equipment

Blood Test Kit

Medical Equipment

First Aid Pouch

Medical Equipment

Heat Pack

Medical Equipment

IV Start Kit

Medical Equipment

Medical Thermometer

Medical Equipment

Saline Bag

Medical Equipment

Charcoal Tablets


Tetracycline Pills


Codeine Pills

Pain Relief

Morphine Auto-Injector

Pain Relief

Multivitamin Pills


Dust Mask

Protective Equipment

Surgical Gloves

Protective Equipment

Surgical Mask

Protective Equipment



Blood Bag IV




Epinephrine Auto-Injector


PO-X Antidote


IV Saline Bag




Additionally, each of these resources can be difficult to gather. Most medical supplies used to cure disease in DayZ can be found in townships that have hospitals or other medical buildings, and from other buildings that are close to those locations, and sometimes looted from the corpses of zombies in the same area. Of course, players who look like they have good gear may have the items as well, but hunting other players while sick may end up being a fatal mistake.

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Medical Item List Source: DayZ Wiki