Warning! Spoilers for Marvel Meow Infinity Comic #6 by Marvel Comics

The X-Men's Cyclops has one of the most recognizable powers in comics, as the Marvel hero's optic blasts have become a defining characteristic for the hero. However, in Marvel Meow Infinity Comic #6 from Marvel Comics, Scott Summers finds a new use for his powers after Wolverine unleashes a handful of cats on Krakoa by turning it into a laser pointer that a feline can play with.

Cyclops' optic blasts from his visor are one of the coolest mutant powers among the X-Men. The long, powerful red blasts that Scott Summers can shoot out of his eyes deliver a powerful concussive force, which is often mistaken as heat vision. Cyclops' powers have been complicatedly overexplained over the years, leading to even Marvel being confused by what he's even capable of doing with his optic blasts. However, a new comic shows a new way for Summers to use his powers that shouldn't cause any confusion - but might elicit some smiles from readers.

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In Nao Fuji's incredible Marvel Meow series on Marvel Unlimited, some of the most marvelous felines in the universe interact with its greatest heroes. Marvel Meow Infinity Comic #6 by Marvel Comics reveals Wolverine unleashes a group of cats on the X-Men's paradise of Krakoa, as they take a shine to the mutants, including Jean Grey, Magneto, and Professor X. However, one of the cats encounters Cyclops, who decides to use his optic blast powers like a laser pointer, which he uses to entertain them. Check out the adorable page from the Marvel Unlimited exclusive comic below.

Cyclops POwers-3

While it's adorable to see Cyclops use his powers to entertain a cat, it almost backfires, as him pointing the laser at a tree nearly ends with a cat lunging at Jean Grey. Thankfully, Marvel Girl is able to catch the cat before impact, using her telekinetic powers to keep the shocked cat suspended in the air. The face the adorable kitty makes is absolutely priceless.

Cat Krakoa X-Men

However, Marvel artist Jamie McKelvie asked the dark question about what if the cat ever touched the laser pointer.

The all-ages comic shows that Cyclops' powers might come in handy if the X-Men ever run into a giant cat - such as the one Captain Marvel has faced off against on multiple occasions. In addition, his optic blast becoming the world's most powerful laser pointer presents an all-new way for the hero to use his powers, albeit one that's very specific and one-dimensional. Still, seeing Cyclops have some fun with his abilities with the cat on Krakoa turns out to be a cute adventure for both parties. Marvel Meow Infinity Comic #6 by Marvel Comics is available on Marvel Unlimited now.

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