The earliest and most seasoned leader of the  X-Men, Scott Summers a.k.a. Cyclops, has been given a modern update from experienced comic book creator Louie Joyce (Footsteps, The Corner Store). A classic Marvel Comics superhero born from the silver age of comics, Cyclops has received many different costume alternations, but none quite as advanced as this.

Cyclops may not always be the leader of the X-Men but he is among the most popular and recurring that the mutant superheroes have had, alongside Storm and Emma Frost. Remaining ever constant to Cyclops' character is his famous ruby quartz visor, gifted to the veteran leader by his famed mentor Professor Charles Xavier as an aid in containing Scott's powerful optic blasts.

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Prior to the release of the upcoming Spider-Man 2099: Exodus #5, professional comic book writer and artist Louie Joyce has taken to Twitter to share his own rendition of Cyclops, based on the character's brand new Marvel 2099 future appearance. As the name implies, this brand of Marvel titles centers on a set of Marvel's beloved heroes as they exist within a distant future timeline (known as Earth-TRN767). Aside from the X-Men, this new line of Marvel titles has given the spotlight to popular superheroes such as Black Panther, Ghost Rider, Daredevil, and The Avengers.

While Joyce's artwork manages to keep the general iconography of Cyclops' uniform intact, there is one major difference to mark. In place of Scott's classic ruby quartz visor is a mechanized headpiece containing a sole eyepiece, resembling that of an android as opposed to a human (or mutant) being. The lack of a visor but a sole eyelet places further emphasis on Scott's "Cyclops" namesake even more than his main 616 comics counterpart.

The modern line of Marvel 2099 comics continues to grow in both story and popularity, which will only see Cyclops' new design grow in fame. Joyce's professional art manages to capture the state-of-the-art aesthetic of the 2099 comic book art style.

While only a piece of concept, Joyce's Cyclops art should be enough to hold over readers until the arrival of the character in full in the coming weeks. Patient readers will have the chance to see Joyce's Cyclops design alongside other future members of the X-Men in action when writer Steve Orlando (Marauders) and Kim Jacinto (Sentry)'s Spider-Man 2099: Exodus #5 arrives in select comic shops on August 3rd.

Next: Avengers' Deadliest Hero Rules Earth in Marvel's Apocalyptic Future

Source: Louie Joyce