Cyberpunk 2077 might be buggy and far from a technically flawless perfection on PlayStation 4, but it looks even more wild reimagined as a PS One title. The botched launch of Cyberpunk 2077 has already spawned countless glitch compilations and jokes from players venting frustration at the anticipated game, of which the PS One demake is just the latest.

Oddly enough, when the actual game is launched on Nintendo Switch it works a lot better than on regular PS4 and Xbox One. A YouTuber managed to launch Cyberpunk 2077 on a Nintendo Switch console using a custom homebrew setup to stream it from Stadia. The game works perfectly well in handheld mode with both Joy-Con and Pro controller support and renders at 1080p in the docked mode. The title is completely playable, and the whole experience can be recreated by enterprising Switch owners thanks to a detailed tutorial video.

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On Twitter, Anders Lundbjörk from Dreamon Studios has shared a fun concept of Cyberpunk 2077 for the original PlayStation One console. A short gameplay video perfectly captures the game’s atmosphere while inheriting some signature moments and even animations. Just like the actual Cyberpunk 2077, the concept has tons of hilarious glitches, with an NPC helicoptering up in the air in a T pose, vehicles disappearing in front of players' eyes, and a dreadfully transformed Johnny Silverhand waking the player up. Passersby are squatting in terror with their hands raised up in a familiar manner when threatened by the player. Characters purposefully walking into walls and glitchy trees are also in the spotlight. Peacefully getting inside a car results in launching the vehicle high above the ground, and it’s not even remotely surprising that the player dies during the occasion.

But despite all the issues, plenty of players are still enjoying Cyberpunk 2077 when they can actually get it to work. The world of Night City can be a blast to explore and combat encounters can be deeply entertaining, especially in melee with the right augmentations. Last but not least, the title also offers an engaging and well-written story with living characters and believable drama.

The video is a clear exaggeration of issues present in CDPR’s Cyberpunk 2077, although it does have at least a grain of truth. The anticipated sci-fi RPG has suffered from a troubled release infested by numerous bugs, glitches, and even critical game-breaking issues. The Polish studio is even being accused of false advertising because of how drastically different the game looks on last-gen consoles when compared to the PC version launched on high-end rigs. While the devs are hard at work trying to refine and improve the title’s performance, the gaming community continues to experience a lot of troubles with the game, and the video highlights this struggle in a hilarious way.

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Cyberpunk 2077 is available now on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Stadia, and PC.

Source: Anders Lundbjörk/Twitter