The game-breaking issues that resulted from the Patch 1.5 and Next-Generation update for Cyberpunk 2077 have been finally fixed. Since the update, fans have reported that the PC version is prone to crashing, and the disk for Cyberpunk 2077 would not launch on PS4. However, both CD Projekt Red and Sony have recently put out hotfixes to resolve these issues. Fans can now freely enjoy the much-needed improvements to AI mechanics, visuals, and gameplay, included in Patch 1.5 and the Next-Gen update.

Cyberpunk 2077 was riddled with bugs at launch, ruining the experience for many players. Fans were livid when the game, that they had been waiting years for, was rife with errors. Trees would appear inside buildings, vehicles fell from the sky, and NPCs teleported around the city randomly. These glitches were so bad that Xbox, CD Projekt Red, and Sony offered full refunds of Cyberpunk 2077. Since then, the company has been clamoring to fix the game and give fans the best experience possible. While Patch 1.5 was rather successful when initially released on Xbox, fans on PC and PS4 were not quite as happy.

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After the update, a number of fans encountered issues that inhibited their ability to play Cyberpunk 2077. Players reported that the game crashed repeatedly when launched on PC. CD Projekt Red believed the problem derived from an audio issue and recently put out a hotfix on February 28. Similarly, the disk version of Cyberpunk 2077 would not launch at all. While the exact cause is unknown, the problem seemed to result from the system and not the actual game. Sony released an update for the PS4, fixing the issue on February 19. Regardless of the console, all fans can now enjoy the best new features of Cyberpunk 2077.

Some Of The Best Features In Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.5

Cyberpunk 2077 shootout Next Gen Update

One of the largest problems with the game at launch was the seemingly lifeless AI, which created the feeling of an empty world. Now, NPCs walk around the city, respond accordingly to the situation, and have different personalities. They also use cover and reload when needed in combat. A huge draw to Cyberpunk 2077 is the diverse character customization. Patch 1.5 brought the ability for players to change their look in their apartment, by interacting with the mirror. Being able to modify a character's appearance is crucial for a game all about customization. The Next-Gen update also brought improved visuals, with the option to switch between ray-tracing and performance mode. Ray-tracing adds dynamic shadows and lighting, which makes the game look more realistic. Both new and returning fans will not be disappointed with all the new additions that are found in Night City.

On top of these improvementsCyberpunk 2077's Next-Gen update fixes many other mechanics, most notably the combat and dialogue. While there are plenty more changes that need to be made, CD Projekt Red has done an amazing job at repairing (what some were calling) an unfinished game at launch. Now is the best time to experience everything Cyberpunk 2077 has to offer.

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