Screen Rant

  • Is Curb Your Enthusiasm available on Netflix U.S.? 1 / 7

    curb your enthusiasm poster TLDR vertical
  • Larry David first broke through as the writer behind acclaimed NBC sitcom Seinfeld. 2 / 7

    seinfeld poster TLDR vertical
  • The show ran for nine seasons, though the series finale was considered a letdown. 3 / 7

  • David followed up with Curb, where he plays a fictional version of himself. 4 / 7

    curb your enthusiasm HBO poster Vertical
  • Curb is almost as acclaimed as Seinfeld, though sadly its not currently available to stream on Netlflix. 5 / 7

    larry david curb your enthusiasm TLDR vertical
  • It can be found on Amazon and HBO Go, however. 6 / 7

    curb your enthusiasm larry TLDR vertical
  • Season 7 of Curb featured a fictional Seinfeld reunion, which also poked fun at the finale backlash. 7 / 7

    Seinfeld Vertical