Warning! SPOILERS for The Conners season 4

So far, The Conners season 4 has not been easy on Darlene’s daughter Harris, but Harris' decision to live with Aldo has actually worked out well, despite her mother not approving of the move. The Conners season 4 has seen Darlene fulfill the role that Roseanne used to play on the show, as the sitcom matriarch is constantly in conflict with at least one of her children. In particular, Darlene’s feud with Harris has now lasted most of the season and soured the dynamic between the duo.

In all fairness, The Conners season 4 also saw Darlene fight Mark over his ADHD medication abuse and college essay schemes. However, it was Harris’ decision to move in with her immature older boyfriend Aldo that pitted her against her strong-willed mother and created the longest-lasting conflict of season 4. It has been a long time since Harris announced she was moving out and the supporting star has hardly interacted with Darlene since.

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However, while it initially seemed like Darlene was right about the move being an ill-considered decision, getting some space from her mother has been surprisingly good for Harris so far. Admittedly, this storyline is still early, and things could change. However, Darlene’s daughter moving in with her boyfriend Aldo actually appears to have worked for the couple, despite the odds. There haven't been any signs of trouble between Aldo and Harris since, and Harris even reconnected with Darlene thanks to the distance.

Judging by their civil reunion in “Hot For Teacher and Writing A Wrong” (season 4, episode 12), Harris and Darlene are in a better place than usual. The duo was able to discuss Mark’s mysterious money-making without the conversation instantly turning into a fight, something they could barely achieve when Harris still lived with her mother early in The Conners season 4. To be fair to Darlene, though, her reticence around Harris moving in with Aldo was not entirely unfounded. When Harris originally claimed that she moved out earlier in The Conners season 4, she was reduced to paying to couch-surf and secretly living in Dan’s trailer, confirming Darlene’s belief that the plan wouldn’t work out.

However, when she confronted Aldo’s dad Jesse and Dan about their relationship and the two finally actually moved in together, The Conners season 4 granted the character a rare win. Harris has been the only Conner with a relatively stable life in the episodes since as Darlene and Mark fought, Jackie’s relationship woes continued, and even Becky struggled with a crush on her professor. It seems unlikely that a character as volatile as Harris will continue to have a peaceful future with a partner as immature as Aldo. However, Harris has at least temporarily been proven right about her choice to seek out independence from her mother Darlene in The Conners season 4.

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