The exchange between Terry Silver and Chozen in the Cobra Kai season 5 teases a Karate Kid dream rivalry. The respective villains of The Karate Kid Part II and The Karate Kid Part III have never met, but the story for the upcoming season promises conflict between the two. The Cobra Kai season 4 finale positioned Chozen as an ally to Daniel in the fight against Silver.

Originally, Chozen was utilized just as a special guest star in Cobra Kai season 3 during Daniel’s trip to Japan.  However, his brief cameo in the finale confirmed that Cobra Kai’s plans for his characters go much deeper than that. His arrival in the Valley indicates that’ll he be around for all of Cobra Kai season 5 – if not longer. While an alliance between Daniel and Johnny had its benefits, it just wasn’t enough to stop Silver, whose cheating secured him the All-Valley Karate Tournament championship. Still intent on finding a way to stop Silver from ruining other kids, Daniel may be counting on help from both Johnny and Chozen when the show returns.

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The Cobra Kai season 5 trailer revealed a confrontation between Chozen and Silver. When Silver said, “you’re playing with fire, Danny Boy”, Chozen interjected with, “And I am gasoline”. Chozen’s comeback suggests that the show will introduce a rivalry that the fandom has been clamoring for since season 4 ended. Silver’s easy victory over Johnny and Chozen’s karate skills in Cobra Kai season 3 make them the show’s two best fighters. It’s become clear that Johnny, Daniel, and Kreese are all inferior to both Chozen and Silver in combat. As for which one is better, Cobra Kai hasn’t provided a definitive answer yet – which is primarily why a potential fight between the two has become such a hot topic.

Cobra Kai season 5 Daniel Chozen Terry Silver

Since Silver has outplayed all three of the show’s existing senseis, there have been theories that Chozen will be the key to taking him down. And based on how season 4 ended, that appears to be Daniel’s line of thinking as well. Both are considered to be highly effective fighters. Chozen is much more brutal than Daniel, but also completely different from each other in terms of their martial arts philosophies. Seeing how Silver responds to Chozen and what he’ll make of the Karate Kid Part II villain have been major points of interest regarding Cobra Kai season 5’s story.

Though there’s no doubt at this point that Chozen will be vital to what comes next, whether or not the two characters actually come to blows remains to be seen. However, the Cobra Kai season 5 trailer strengthens the possibility of a Chozen vs. Terry Silver fight taking place eventually. It could even be part of the plan for how the story comes to a close at the end of the season. If the fight does happen, the show can finally confirm who Cobra Kai’s best fighter really is.

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