Hawkeye and Spider-Man: No Way Home left the door ajar for the possible inclusion of any number of additional Netflix characters into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and few shows are as rich in offerings as Jessica Jones.

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From Trish Walker's Hellcat to the man comics fans know as Nuke, the three seasons of Jessica Jones gave viewers a wide variety of heroes, villains, and allies that could add additional flair to the MCU. With Phase Four in full swing and Phase Five not far away, the possibilities are plentiful for these characters to make a Marvel transition.

Jessica Jones

Jessica Jones in the Netflix series

While the appearances of Matt Murdock and the Kingpin in the MCU may lead viewers to believe that all of the Netflix Marvel series are now canon, nothing is a given until the characters actually get screen time. Naturally, any list of characters from Jessica Jones who belong in the MCU needs to include the titular hero herself, who has long enjoyed popular storylines in Marvel Comics.

Where Jessica could next appear, however, is open for speculation. Given its dark tone and psychological bent, Moon Knight seems like an ideal jumping-off point for a hero who functions best outside the traditional paradigm of colorful costumes and unwavering morality.

Trish Walker/Hellcat

Trish Walker frowns and look confused while talking to Jessica

Fans of the heroine who dons the mantle of Hellcat in the comics no doubt felt let down by the downfall of the Jessica Jones version. After obtaining powers and embracing her dark side as a vigilante, Rachael Taylor's version of Jessica's adopted sister and best friend was last seen being transported to The Raft after a final fight with Jessica in the Season 3 finale.

The fact that she realizes her wayward path, however, means that Trish Walker can possibly be rehabilitated and reintroduced as the righteous character comics fans know her to be. And given her comics counterpart's close friendship with She-Hulk, the latter's upcoming Disney+ series would be an ideal place in which to bring her on board the MCU.

Malcolm Ducasse

Malcolm Ducasse sits on a bed, writing something in Jessica Jones

In the comics, he was a tertiary character named Malcolm Powder who had a tendency to break into Jessica's apartment and answer her phone. In Jessica Jones, actor Eka Darville took Malcolm on a journey from a drug-addicted mental slave of Kilgrave to the guy who winds up with the keys to Alias Investigations at the end of Season 3.

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Whether he keeps it going or not is anyone's guess, but dropping Alias — and by association, Malcolm — into an upcoming MCU project would be a particularly delectable Easter egg. When it comes to universe-building in the mind of MCU head honcho Kevin Feige, anything is possible, so it's not outside the realm of possibility that Malcolm finds his way to the big (or small) screen down the road.

Jeri Hogarth

Jeri Hogarth in Jessica Jones

As Spider-Man: No Way Home demonstrated, misunderstandings involving the heroes of the MCU often require a deft legal touch. And as veteran and lauded actor Carrie-Anne Moss demonstrated in all three seasons of Jessica Jones, few attorneys are as capable and cutthroat as Jeri Hogarth.

In fact, a forthcoming Disney+ series featuring a certain attorney who happens to be a cousin of Bruce Banner and shares his tendency to turn green when angered seems tailor-made for a Jeri Hogarth appearance. A court case featuring Jeri on one side and Jennifer Walkers/She-Hulk on the other would be a cinematic delight for fans of the character and the MCU as a whole.


Kilgrave in Jessica Jones

The Kilgrave plot in Jessica Jones Season 1 was one of the best-scripted cinematic stories given to a Marvel property, due in no small part to actor David Tennant's superb acting abilities. Kilgrave met his end that season, but as showrunners demonstrated, he's never truly gone from Jessica's mind.

In the show and in the comics, Kilgrave's specter looms large over Jessica's psyche, and any MCU inclusion of Jones herself would mean that Kilgrave would most certainly need to be along for the ride. With Tennant back in the role, any show or film with him aboard seems destined for success given how charismatic he made the Netflix version of the Purple Man.

Will Simpson/Nuke

Will Simpson in Jessica Jones

The villain known as Nuke met an inauspicious end at the hands of Jessica's mother in Season 2, which might put a damper on any attempts to bring him into the MCU. However, drawing on his Marvel Comics background could present a number of future MCU storytelling possibilities.

The Wolverine: Origins storyline revealed a long history between one of Marvel's most popular characters and Nuke, who was originally introduced as a Daredevil villain. Given that the fan-favorite character of Wolverine is undoubtedly destined for a future role in the MCU, incorporating Simpson into the script would be a sweet payoff for fans of Jessica Jones.

Robert Coleman/Whizzer

Whizzer in Jessica Jones

Alas, poor Whizzer, we hardly knew ye: Robert Coleman made a brief appearance in the Season 2 premiere as a fellow recipient of powers from IGH, the same organization responsible for Jessica's abilities. In fact, his suspicious death sends Jessica down the rabbit hole that becomes the season's labyrinthine storyline.

RELATED: 10 Unpopular Opinions About Jessica Jones Comics, According To Reddit

Comics fans know, however, that the Whizzer is a character with deep roots in Marvel lore, dating back to his first appearance in 1941. While Coleman's version of the hero in Jessica Jones may have met an untimely end, the character himself deserves a more fully fleshed-out role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, where comic ties to Grandmaster, Kang, and the Black Knight provide a rich tapestry from which a Whizzer story can be woven.

Gregory Salinger/Foolkiller

Foolkiller in Jessica Jones

Actor Jeremy Bobb's work as Gregory Salinger was an integral part of Season 3, but his death at the hands of Trish Walker dashed a lot of hopes for what could have been a rich addition to the MCU. If there's one thing scriptwriters for superhero films are good at, however, it's figuring out ways to resurrect complicated characters through flashbacks or the occasional deus ex machina.

If any Jessica Jones character deserves some quality MCU time, it's Salinger's Foolkiller. This is, after all, a guy who not only fought The Defenders and alongside Deadpool in Marvel Comics, but was actually something of an unorthodox shrink to S.H.I.E.L.D.-captured villains. Who wouldn't want to see a Disney+ series about those sessions on the MCU super-prison The Raft?

Erik Gelden/Mind-Wave

Erik Gelden and Jessica Jones

For Jessica Jones Season 3, Gelden's character received a makeover, and his comics proclivity for crime was flipped so that he served as both an ally and love interest of the titular heroine. The fact that his last appearance in the series featured an overture from Detective Eddy Costa to work with the police opens the door to a number of possibilities for his inclusion in the MCU.

Although his comic book counterpart has fought both Daredevil and Punisher, an MCU version of Mind-Wave, working in conjunction with law enforcement, lends itself to several hypotheticals. Both She-Hulk and Moon Knight could pull secondary characters from Jessica Jones into their storylines, and Mind-Wave's inclusion would be a nice tie-in to Marvel's Netflix outings.

Karl Malus

Karl Malus in Jessica Jones

Dr. Karl Malus gets a star turn as one of the foils of Jessica Jones Season 2, and while it appeared that he blew himself (and his lab) up in Episode 11, his comic book counterpart managed to survive being eaten by Carnage. In fact, the comics version of Malus has emerged unscathed from a number of predicaments, which might just set the stage for an MCU appearance.

In fact, given his penchant for serving as the bad guy in a number of Captain America storylines, the forthcoming Captain America 4, in which Sam Wilson takes up the mantle (and the shield) of Cap, would be an ideal jumping-off point for Malus to join the MCU. He's not a strong enough villain (or character) to carry the load himself, but as a lackey to a bigger bad — Power Broker, perhaps? — he would make an excellent connection to the Jessica Jones series.

NEXT: 5 Marvel Heroes Who Love Jessica Jones (& 5 Who Despise Her)