The MCU’s recent release, Thor: Love and Thunder, contains many returning characters, cameos, and epic fight scenes. However, there’s another MCU film that did an ambitious crossover of new and old characters far before this new film: Captain America: Civil War.

The third Captain America film was monumental in that it featured so many new and old characters divided over two different but justified sides. While it may not have been as well-received as other Avengers films, it certainly featured some defining moments which have been captured adeptly in memes.

Wanda's Role

Although she had good intentions, Wanda wreaks havoc during the beginning of Civil War, when she tries to contain an airborne biological weapon and accidentally wipes out an entire floor of innocent workers.

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While this event alone is not the reason for the Accords, it certainly is an important factor and one that Wanda does not seem to get reprimanded for, as depicted in this meme posted by Redditor bodhi15. Whether or not Wanda deserved consequences for her well-meaning but poorly-executed actions is still a hot debate within the MCU fandom, especially now after WandaVision and Multiverse of Madness.

Captain America or Avengers?

Although the official title for Civil War places it as the third film in the Captain America series, this has long been contested by fans who view it more as an Avengers film instead.

While the film does continue Cap’s “finding Bucky” arc from The Winter Soldier, the majority of the narrative revolves around the conflict between Tony, Steve, and all the other Avengers as they must face a decision about the Sokovia Accords. Not to mention the renowned battle scene that involves most of the team standing divided. Even though it still works as a Captain America film, Civil War is at its core an Avengers film, as highlighted in this meme shared by Redditor alfredosolisfeuntes.

So close to a happy ending

Most MCU fans know by the point that no Marvel film finishes with a completely happy and resolved ending. And Civil War is no exception, as pointed out in this meme posted by Reddit user Cristopher_Hepburn.

Despite most of the film being spent in tense conflict between the two leaders of the Avengers, fans finally got to take a sigh of relief when Tony realized the error of his ways and went to fight alongside Steve and Bucky, aka the MCU's best friendship. Unfortunately - in traditional Marvel fashion – that moment of unity and happiness was quickly derailed as Tony learned the truth, crushing fans everywhere.

Emotional Whiplash for Tony

Civil War was an emotional journey for everyone involved – audiences and Avengers alike – but it took a particular emotional toll on the most relatable Avenger: Tony Stark.

Tony’s first scene in the film is already emotionally charged with the flashbacks of his family, followed by the immense guilt that leads him to the Sokovia Accords. From there he has to fight against his best friend, realizes he was wrong, and goes to make up with Cap, only to end up fighting him again upon discovering Bucky killed his parents. Civil War is undoubtedly a long, emotional roller coaster for Tony, encapsulated well in the meme by Redditor Dark-Wolverine.

All the Tears

Civil War was a monumental film in the MCU for many reasons, such as its buildup for the reunions and divisions in Infinity War. But perhaps most importantly it portrayed the Avengers in a more humanizing and realistic light as it showcased their flaws and ability to be driven by their own motivations and emotions.

It also serves as one of the most heartbreaking films in the series as it broke up the best ship in the MCU: Steve and Tony. As shown in this meme by Reddit user surruboi, the movie had audiences in tears over their separation and complicated conflict.

Stubborn Steve (and Tony)

While Civil War has given rise to many memes poking fun at the disagreement over petty things, the issues discussed in the film are much heavier, embedded in politics and morality.

Both Tony and Steve are justified in their own ways; Steve is hesitant to give up the Avengers’ autonomy to an easily corrupted governing body, while Tony is – again – driven by his guilty conscience and fear of losing more innocent lives. Although the disagreement is an important milestone in their relationship, the entire conflict may have been avoided if one of them had quit being stubborn and conceded, as portrayed in this Reddit meme.

Notable Absences

Civil War saw many fan favorites and new additions facing off, however, there were two notable absences: Thor and Hulk. While there are many explanations for why the two were not present during one of the most defining moments for the Avengers, their absence felt strange, especially given that the two are part of the core five.

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Not being in the film also meant Thor and Bruce had a lot of catching up to do upon return, as alluded to in Infinity War and Endgame, a fact hilariously portrayed in this meme by Reddit user Ozymandias12.

The Baby becomes the Babysitter

Despite being the youngest of the Avengers (having technically just been “born” in Age of Ultron), Vision is undoubtedly the wisest of the bunch. This is seen especially in Civil War as he uses his rationality and calmness to try and diffuse the conflict – dropping some of his best quotes in the process.

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In comparison to the rest of the characters – who are letting their own biases and emotions cloud their better judgment – Vision comes off as the most mature and level-headed one throughout the film, as depicted in this meme posted by Redditor niccino, which posits Vision as the annoyed babysitter.

Finding Zemo

Before Helmut Zemo found fame as a talented dancer in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, he was first the villain of Civil War.

Having lost his family, Zemo strived to break up the Avengers to avenge his loss. However, this twist is not revealed until the climax of the film; before then, the majority of the plot revolves around Cap and co. looking for who is framing Bucky. This is why this meme posted by Redditor trash_raccoon not only accurately sums up Civil War, but also how fans felt about his future in the MCU at the time.

Crumbles from Within

“An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That's dead forever.” This line is not only one of Zemo’s best quotes, but also accurately sums up the entirety of Civil War.

While Tony and Steve may not have known, Zemo was the catalyst behind the rapid dissolution of their friendship. From framing Bucky to the eventual climactic reveal, Zemo orchestrated many of the events that created all the conflict between the two superheroes and led to the disbanding of the Avengers, as hilariously portrayed in this meme shared by Redditor AceOfSpades_29. Luckily, the two finally come together again to finish off the Avengers Infinity Saga.

Next: 9 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up Captain America As A Character