One of the fastest-growing entries in the genre, Call of Duty Warzone has taken the battle royale market by storm. Combining both the best aspects of realistic first-person shooter systems and the aesthetics and weaponry of Modern WarfareWarzone is the perfect example of a successful Call of Duty battle royale. With a variety of buyable, kill-streaks, load-outs, armor, and other items, Warzone's money system separates itself from its competition. The ability for players to express themselves through the use of their own personalized, load-outs, customed weapons, perk combinations, operator choice and many other options, Warzone provides a sense of individuality that is unmatched in the genre.

Related: Call of Duty Warzone: Top 3 Best SMGs (& Why You Want Them)

Adding onto the ever-growing list of how Warzone separates itself from other games in the genre, is its unique Gulag mechanic. For players familiar with Warzone they will understand how the Gulag is the epitome of tension, skill, and frustration. For those unfamiliar with the title, the Gulag is a second chance at life within the game. After a player is killed during a match, they are sent to the Gulag and given one gun, some equipment, and must defeat their opponent, to be sent back to the map. Learning how to survive this death-game is an essential part of success within Warzone and is a skill all players should learn.

Growing Familiar with the Gulag Guns in Warzone

As simple as it sounds, growing to become comfortable with the various guns provided to players in the Gulag can increase a player's success. The deathmatch only provides a handful of guns, and each one requires a sense of understanding and skill to use truly effectively.

The Gulag mode provides players, either, a pistol or a shotgun, and that's it. No machine guns, no sniper rifles, no marksman rifles, only pistols or shotguns. Both of which, are guns that most players discard as being useless, or not very effective. However, if you grow familiar with the guns provided in the mode, then you will have a clear and explicit advantage over your enemy.

So practice with guns provided in the Gulag, or whichever gun type you are weakest with. So if you need help playing with pistols, then dedicate a Warzone match to becoming more familiar with the gun type. That way when the chips are down, you are better prepared.

Cheating is Encouraged in the Warzone Gulag

When players queue up with their friends for a match of Warzone, there will occasionally be moments in which teammates will be in the same Gulag. This calls for some, less honorable, tactics to be implemented.

Having your friend, or teammate to call out your opponent's location is an easy way to gain the upper hand during this game mode. This places you in a considerable advantage, as you have two sets of eyes watching your enemy at once. So don't be ashamed to cheat in this game type, a win in the Gulag places your team one step closer to a win in Warzone. 

More: Call of Duty Warzone: Top 3 Best Assault Rifles (& Why You Want Them)  

Call of Duty Warzone is available on PS4, Xbox One, and PC.