Whether away from the console or lying in bed, some players never want to stop participating in Modern Warfare. Thankfully, there's Call of Duty Mobile, Activision's free-to-play iteration of their signature FPS series. Available on Android and iOS devices, Call of Duty Mobile mixes elements from subseries like Modern Warfare and Black Ops into a "greatest hits" package. Split between a full Deathmatch suite and a battle royale mode similar to Warzone, the game has everything a CoD fan could want in a portable multiplayer version. New players installing the game for the first time might wonder if they're able to use a controller just like on a console or if they're stuck with touch controls.

For their part, the developers at TiMi Studios have implemented a very elegant solution for controlling Call of Duty's frantic action with just a pair of thumbs. Aiming a weapon is as easy as dragging a finger around the right side of the screen, with a virtual joystick on the left taking care of movement. Buttons pop up as needed for grenades, hip fire, switching weapons, reloading, and so on. It takes a bit of time to get used to what each symbol means, but it is on the same level as other mobile shooters in terms of efficiency and ease of use.

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Call of Duty Mobile also supports a wide range of touch control options for those looking to customize beyond the standard configuration. Want to aim by moving a phone Steel Diver style? Want to open doors automatically on the Battle Royale map? Want to turn on all sorts of auto-aim and anger everyone else in the lobby? All of these things and more are possible thanks to an extensive and accessible options menu. Despite all that, some players still prefer rocking with a gamepad.

Can You Play Call of Duty Mobile With A Controller

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The simple answer is that Call of Duty Mobile does indeed support both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 controllers via Bluetooth or a wired connection. However, there are a few caveats that players may want to be aware of. Just like Modern Warfare, matchmaking takes a player's control scheme into account. This means that controller players will only be playing with other controller players unless they're in a party with someone using a touchscreen. Mixed parties will invite other mixed parties, and touchscreen players will only see other thumb jockeys. Players must also connect the controller before entering matchmaking and enable controller support in the settings once everything is hooked up.

Call of Duty Mobile is designed to support near any type of player thanks to its generous control options and its free-to-play price point. There is also a separation between control schemes so someone can't log into the game on mobile and wreck house using their console skills. While the console Call of Duty releases will always look better and feature the cutting-edge of the franchise, loading up the mobile version with thumbs or thumbstick can be a fun, nostalgic experience that's great on the go.

Next: How to Unlock Diamond Camo in Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty Mobile is available now for free on iOS and Android devices.