Every sitcom has an iconic duo and in Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Amy and Jake are top contenders for the most hilarious pairing on the show. Their daily lives are filled with pranks, jokes, and swoon-worthy scenes—all making for funny meme-able moments. With the final season coming up, fans are looking forward to more of the comedy goodness that's been a part of Jake and Amy's relationship since pre-Peraltiago days.

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Peraltiago is the gift that keeps on giving, whether the couple is chasing down a criminal, settling a serious issue with the most ridiculous bet, or just being their adorable goofy selves. The show's humor stands perfectly well on its own, but memes of these two are in a league of their own and sure to make fans laugh out loud.

How It All Began

Jake proposing to Amy Brooklyn Nine-Nine shown in meme

After Amy lost a bet to Jake in season 1 and so she had to go on the worst date ever with him. To make things even funnier, Jake got down on one knee to ask her out. Four years later, Jake was on one knee again, asking her to marry him and this time, Amy happily said yes.

The contrast between the two scenes in this meme found on Reddit shows how much their relationship has changed. At first, Jake's mission was to make Amy as miserable as possible on their date, and she went along with it to get it over with. Four seasons later, they were both ready to commit to each other for the rest of their lives. Coincidentally, the first scene in the meme has one of the best Peraltiago moments during a stakeout.

That Didn't Age Well, But In A Good Way

During their intentionally terrible date in season 1, Jake told Amy that under no circumstances was she to fall in love with him. Amy, who at the time considered Jake an annoying man-child, happily agreed that she wouldn't. As the meme shows, that assertion didn't last long.

The evolution of Jake and Amy's relationship was satisfying to watch for many fans. It wasn't dragged out longer than necessary and the payoff was totally worth it. This meme packed some of the best moments of their relationship in one picture, like their wedding and the birth of their son, highlighting how perfect it has become despite their initial objections to it.

The Blame Game

Whenever Jake gets in trouble he tends to point the finger at Amy — even when it doesn't make sense. In "The Tagger," he arrested the Deputy Commissioner's son despite the latter warning him against it while stating his name as Detective Amy Santiago.

The meme is a good summary of Jake and Amy's relationship before they became romantically involved — and even after. Jake, especially, behaved childishly, as he constantly proposed bets and games involving their work. With time, Amy adopted some of Jake's habits and started making bets of her own.

Of Love And Murder

Out of context, this meme would be alarming for anyone who isn't a fan of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. While keeping their new relationship a secret from everyone at work, Amy and Jake snuck into the evidence room to make out and were seen by their Captain at the time, Captain Dozerman. He had a heart attack in the middle of reprimanding them and died immediately after.

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The meme is a testament to how Brooklyn Nine-Nine can lighten even something as serious as death with humor. In this case, the show uses Gina — known for her sarcastic quips and funny one-liners — to do so. The moment is also one of many dramatic ones that seem to define Amy and Jake's relationship.

Sharing Is Caring

Amy's dress style has been the subject of many jokes on Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Gina always mocked her for her formal dress code and one time, she showed up in an outfit that looked exactly like the one Charles had on. Everyone, her included, thought Charles wore it better.

One eagle-eyed fan noticed that in two different scenes, Jake and Amy appeared to have switched shirts and so they made this hilarious meme. A closer look shows that there are slight differences in the shirts, so they probably aren't the same, but it definitely made for a funny scene. It's also a subtle nod to how the two of them start mimicking each other.

Apartment Wars

When Amy and Jake got together officially, they had to decide whose apartment they should move into, among other things. Since both of them preferred their apartment over the other's, they decided to settle the decision with a bet.

The meme shows the two of them talking about an aspect of their apartments that the other hates. It's one of many occasions where Amy and Jake used bets and games to solve a serious issue related to their relationship rather than talk it out, the way everyone else would. This one, although hilariously immature, ended with another sweet Peraltiago moment.

The Best Wedding Vows Ever

On the day of their wedding in the season 5 finale, Jake and Amy got a call about a bomb at the venue. They argued on the validity of the information and in an effort to reassure her, Jake told her they'd joke about the incident one day and say, "Amy, there was a bomb at this wedding. Ya butt. Ya butt is da bomb."

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As the serious one of the pair, Amy pointed out the ridiculousness of the line and asked him not to say it during their actual ceremony, only to say it herself in her vows. The meme and this simple line show how far Amy has come from serious and uptight to making jokes during serious moments, like Jake. It speaks to how they influence each other as well. The odd line even became a tradition, as Jake repeated it to her on their anniversary in "Casecation," after an actual bomb threat.

Something In The Water

While Amy and Jake are on their honeymoon at a resort in Mexico, they bump into Holt who's trying to work through his sadness and disappointment of not being elected as Commissioner. Throughout their stay there, Holt keeps randomly showing up to all their honeymoon activities.

Their marital bliss heavily contrasts his melancholy mood, making for some very funny scenes in the episode. Instagram user @iconiclybrooklyn took the humor a step further with this meme that's a play on the popular Jaws movie, likening Holt to the shark, which creeps up on its oblivious victims.

The Tables Have Turned

One of the beautiful things about Jake and Amy's relationship is that even though they're both different in some ways, neither of them made the other change for them. Amy loved and accepted Jake and his childish jokes and behavior. Jake, in turn, loved Amy's adorable nerdiness and intensity.

With time, the two of them not only learned to accept each other, quirks and all, but also copied the best parts of each other, like this meme shows, Amy started cracking jokes that sounded more like something Jake would say and he loved her even more for it.

Baby Mac's Future

Like everything else about Amy and Jake's lives and relationship, the birth of their son was filled with drama. From the citywide blackout Amy had to take charge of while in labor to Jake trying to get back to the station on a pedal pub, everything was funny and chaotic. Eventually, Amy gave birth at the station with the help of firefighters.

The squad had a long-standing rivalry with firefighters, going back to season 1. Their presence in the season 7 finale during such an important moment for the couple was a fun callback to this. In addition, it led to some funny quotes about Baby Mac being touched by a firefighter, serving as inspiration for this meme.

NEXT: The Funniest Quotes From Brooklyn Nine-Nine