Warning: SPOLIERS for Boruto #73!With her unparalleled abilities to control others, Boruto's Eida's power is similar to those wielded by Makima from Shonen Jump's Chainsaw Man. Judging by the effects of Makima's power in that story, it would seem Eida presents one of the greatest threats to the Naruto universe since Kaguya.

Eida and Makima are very similar on many levels. They have similar primary abilities, namely the powers of control over others. While Eida's powers are useless against blood relatives and Otsutsukis, in Chainsaw Man Makima's is limited to only those she believes are inferior to her. Despite these limitations, the power of control over their victims is absolute. Second, as a result of their immense power over others, both have a simple wish of finding someone special to build a genuine relationship with and being truly loved for who they are and not as the result of fear, worship, or as a result of their powers. Third, both have a soft spot for individuals who can seemingly resist their power, namely Kawaki for Eida, and Pochita for Makima.

Related: Boruto: Amado's Reaction to Eida Proves She's His Child

Much of the story in Chainsaw Man revolves around Makima's manipulation of Denji. Initially, her goal was to get Pochita to uncouple from Denji. Later her goal became to torment Denji until the true Chainsaw Man, Pochita, had no choice but to separate from him. The use of her power in accomplishing that goal was as depressing as it was awesome. The death, ruination, and depression she inflicts on others is catastrophic. In Boruto, while the story has only provided glimpses of what Eida can do with her power, the similarities she shares with Makima provide a useful example of what she is capable of if she truly decides to unleash her powers to get what she wants.

Eida's Powers Could Let Her Control Boruto's Strongest Ninjas

Boruto Chapter 73

While the similarities of what both can do with the power of control are clear, what is even foreboding, from the perspective of the Boruto universe, is what emotions and intentions will influence how Eida uses her power in Boruto. In Chainsaw Man, but for her dogs and Pochita, Makima did not care about anyone except for how useful they were to her plans. Eida has yet to become so hateful. But there are a number of circumstances that could lead her to turn to the darker corners of her persona, and like Makima manipulate others for her own interests. Indeed, as Shikamaru explains in Boruto Chapter 73, the potential of Eida to accomplish as much is painfully real.

Indeed, if her love interest, Kawaki, is either killed, harmed, or spurns her interest in him, the callousness that powered Makima's activities might also develop in her is more likely than not. Eida has made it clear that she wants Boruto's brother Kawaki and nothing should stop her or stand in her way from fulfilling her dream. She has already begun to exhibit the demanding standards that Makima demanded of those she had control over in Shonen Jump's Chainsaw Man, whether the same occurs in Borruto depends on how adept Konoha is at satisfying Eida's needs.

Next: Boruto Should Reveal Kawaki is Amado's Daughter (Not Eida)

Boruto #73 is now available from Viz Media.