Screen Rant

  • The latest development in the Borderlands 3-fueled dispute between former Borderlands Claptrap voice actor David Eddings and Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford... 1 / 7

    Borderlands 3 Artwork - Vertical
  • ...has taken a dramatic turn, with Eddings alleging that Pitchford assaulted him two years ago. 2 / 7

    David Eddings Vertical
  • Eddings didn't provide any details, and Pitchford has yet to respond. 3 / 7

    Randy Pitchford Discussion Vertical
  • Pitchford accused Eddings of being "bitter" over his departure from Gearbox. 4 / 7

    Randy Pitchford Dramatic Vertical
  • The dispute began when Eddings suggested he didn't reprise his role as Claptrap because he wanted to be paid for it... 5 / 7

    Borderlands 3 Claptrap TLDR Vertical
  • ...which prompted Gearbox to suddenly state they couldn't afford him any longer. 6 / 7

    Borderlands 3 Calypso Twins Tyreen Vertical TLDR
  • A statement from Pitchford and Gearbox is likely forthcoming, so this drama is likely far from over. 7 / 7

    Borderlands 3 FL4K Vertical TLDR