
  • Unanimous eviction votes need to go away as they result in a boring start to the season and prevent players from developing their own strategies.
  • Double evictions should stick around as they create excitement and shake things up, making the houseguests think on their feet.
  • Casting stereotypes in the show need to go away as they contribute to repetitive gameplay and can lead to racism and sexism in the house.

Big Brother is a reality TV show that loves to draw on the feeling of nostalgia, with long-standing traditions that may have worn out their welcome. While each season contains different house guests and new twists, there are many nods to their previous seasons which feel like inside jokes between production and long-time viewers who are sometimes called Big Brother super fans. These jokes have become a huge part of the show's culture and may be in the form of favorite twists, competitions, and punishments.

The show also regularly casts contestants to fill specific stereotypes. Each season has a mix of people but usually includes the brainless meat-head, the nerdy superfan finally getting to compete, and the quirky best friend. Some of these reoccurring aspects of the game have become so commonplace they could be considered Big Brother traditions. Some of these traditions are great, and others may be at the end of their rope. Here are five Big Brother traditions that need to go away and five that can stick around!

Go Away: Unanimous Eviction Votes

Julie Chen Moonves Big Brother

An emerging tradition in later Big Brother seasons has been unanimous eviction votes at the beginning of the season. This unanimous vote is a consequence of a reoccurring trend of giant super alliances forming early in the game. These alliances persuade the entire house into voting the way they want, rather than voting for themselves. Players outside the large alliance become fearful they will become the next target if they don't follow along with the players in power, which keeps the vote unanimous. This complacency makes for a boring start to the season and keeps players from developing their own strategies.

Stick Around: Double Eviction

Turner and Alyssa talking at the Big Brother double eviction

The first double eviction was a twist unleashed in Big Brother season 5. Originally called "BB Fast Forward," the double eviction has become more commonplace in recent seasons, with viewers getting excited for double eviction nights earlier and earlier each year. Even though the contestants sometimes guess when a double eviction is coming and can have a plan going into the night, it always makes for a very exciting live eviction episode. The double evictions shake things up, making the house guests think on their feet and creating new tensions in the house.

Go Away: Casting Stereotypes

Big Brother 23 Cookout Alliance

One controversial topic surrounding Big Brother is the casting of contestants within certain stereotypes. Within most seasons, similar same personality types and physical attributes tend to be cast from year to year. While this can contribute to repetitive gameplay, there is also a much larger issue here. Casting stereotypes has led to players getting edited on the main show in ways that greatly from their gameplay seen on the Big Brother live feeds. It can also be the root of much of the racism and sexism in the house. While CBS has pushed for a 50% BIPOC cast in recent seasons, the stereotypical archetypes must be scaled further back.

Stick Around: Battle Back

Split image of Victor with his Battle Back win belt and Azah dancing around the house on Big Brother.

In recent seasons, contestants expect at least one evicted house guest to return to the game per season. This is either done via a pre-jury battle back competition, where the first several evictees get to try to get their spot back in the house, or a post-jury battle back competition between jury members. Battle backs aren't a new phenomenon for Big Brother, with the earliest battle back happening in Big Brother 6 when Kaysar Ridha returned to the house only to be evicted a second time. Even though house guests expect this twist and try to plan for it, it remains a fan favorite.

Go Away: Recruited House Guests

Big Brother 11 Cast

Typically, there are two types of Big Brother players: those who apply for the show and those who are found by casting agents. The "found" house guests are recruited for Big Brother and typically have little to no knowledge of the show. In recent seasons, recruits like Big Brother 24 winner Taylor Hale have become more common, but aren't usually ideal players for Big Brother. Some house guests have even become overwhelmed and depressed, shutting down because they did not fully understand the game they were entering. With some viewers dying to compete, it seems wrong to cast people who don't have their heart in the game.

Stick Around: All Day/Night Punishments

Big Brother 3 Cast posing inside

There are many competitions on Big Brother, some of which come with punishments for the losing team or lowest-scoring house guest. Some of the most entertaining punishments are those that require house guests to respond every time they hear a specific sound. House guests must get up, no matter the time, and complete a task, whether it's taking a fish chum shower or doing a choreographed dance. This type of punishment always results in a hilarious segment and gives the live feed watchers something to look forward to. The punishments can also make it more difficult for house guests to play the game effectively.

Related: Big Brother: 10 Most Hated Cast Members Of All Time

Go Away: Perpetual Pawn

Julie Chen and Big Brother Season 25 Cast in boxes behind her

House guests are always concerned about getting blood on their hands when they're in positions of power. Many prefer not to make waves unless it's necessary. Unfortunately, this has led to one house guest essentially being used as a perpetual pawn throughout the game. Whenever this house guest is nominated, the player sitting next to them is usually going home. This type of cautious gameplay can be boring to watch. It differs greatly from the gameplay of contestants who have solidified themselves as Big Brother legends, especially because in the past, it was the norm that pawns wound up evicted.

Stick Around: Jury Segments

Jury SegmentsJury Segments

Big Brother jury segments are often heavily anticipated throughout the season. Fan favorites tend to end up in the jury house, and it's great to see them speak their mind with no game consequences on the line. With the threat of eviction removed, house guests can speak openly about how they feel and their strategy in the game. This can lead to entertaining jury fights, unexpected connections, and shocking revelations. There is nothing more fun than watching fan-favorite players discover secret information or have their suspicions confirmed. Fans love these segments so much that some have even asked for jury house live feeds.

Go Away: Bitter Jury

During Big Brother 3, finalist Danielle Reyes lost because her fellow house guests saw her savage diary room confessions. Producers decided that the next winner would be chosen by a sequestered jury, which began during Big Brother 4. Jury members receive limited information about the happenings in the house until finale night when they vote for the winner. The jury was created to encourage players to be manipulative and cunning without worrying about losing. Many deserving players have lost because of a bitter jury that refuses to vote for players that have wronged them. This trend needs to stop, and the jury needs to perform their job appropriately.

Stick Around: Jury Roundtable

Big Brother 24 Jury Roundtable

Each year, in an attempt to avoid a bitter jury, the house guests in the jury sit around and discuss the players in the final three. This conversation is led by Dr. Will Kirby, one of the most infamous and legendary players of Big Brother. The contestants share information and discuss the best and worst moves of each player. They also discuss their criteria for determining the best player in the game. This segment is beloved because viewers are given an insight into the players' heads and fans are delighted to see Big Brother legend Dr. Will once more.