Longtime viewers of Big Brother know that the show has created its own dictionary of unique terminology used inside the house. Over the years, viewers have been introduced to words such as "showmance," "slop," "floater" and the term "being back-doored" as well as many more. For any new watchers that may have only seen a few seasons or plan on watching this summer, here is a breakdown of the show's most used phrases.


Scamper Squad Big Brother alliance

An alliance is formed when houseguests secretly team up with a plan of working together throughout the game Typically, a large alliance will be formed on the first day inside the house. Many houseguests will often times be a part of more than one alliance, assuring their safety. While some alliances do in fact make it to the end of the game, others are way less successful.

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HOH stands for Head of Household. This person holds all of the power for a week. They are required to nominate two players for eviction. The HOH lives in luxury for a week, even getting their own suite, photos of family, their favorite snacks, and a letter from home.


big brother enzo backdoor dani meme

A houseguest gets back-doored when an HOH nominates one of their alliance members as a replacement nominee during a Veto ceremony. The replacement nominee is typically left shocked and speechless. In a successful back-door, the replacement nominee will be evicted; however, when it isn't successful the player's former alliance member better watch out.


Jessica Graf in Cody Nickson's arms on Big Brother 19

Two players form a showmance when they begin to date inside the house. While most of these couples ultimately end up calling it quits after returning to reality, there have been some successful showmances.

The Block

Every week the HOH nominates two houseguests to be put up for eviction. Throughout their nomination, these two players are considered to be sitting on "the block." No one wants to be on the block on eviction night.

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Comp Beast

The OTEV competition on Big Brother for the veto

This one is pretty self-explanatory. A comp beast is a player that wins a majority of the competitions. A prime example of a comp beast is season 22's winner, Cody Calafiore.

Blood On My Hands

Christie and Jessica on Big Brother, mouths agape

No one ever wants to go blood on their hands inside the Big Brother house. No need to worry, though; it's just a metaphor. When players say "I don't want to get blood on my hands" it means they don't want to upset other houseguests, typically when it comes to nominations.


Nicole Franzel on Big Brother All-Stars, lying down in a bed, looking up.

Every week a few unlucky houseguests receive the punishment of being a have-not for a week. They must take cold showers, sleep in uncomfortable beds designed for punishment, and are restricted to a slop-only diet, which is flavorless oatmeal-like food.


Caleb and Victoria sitting on a chair on Big Brother

A floater is a player that is not in any alliances, doesn't have a good social game, and typically doesn't win any competitions. They are normally nominated quite often as a way for the HOH to avoid getting blood on their hands.

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Big Brother Jury House

The jury consists of the last nine players that get evicted from the house. These players are taken to separate house where they continue being secluded from the outside world until finale night. They are then required to vote for which of the final two players they want to win the game.


Big Brother games with Zingbot

Zingbot makes one appearance every season in which he pokes fun at each one of the houseguests remaining in the game. His insults are called "zings." Some of his zings can be quite cruel while others are pretty funny.


Cody delivering nominations on Big Brother 22

Pawns are nominees that are essentially used as placeholders on the block. The HOH has no intention of these players going home; however, as proven in the past, pawns are often times sent home.

Live Feeds

An image of the live feeds from Big Brother.

The live feeds are how fans get 24/7 access inside the Big Brother house. The hundreds of cameras capture every moment from the second the houseguests move in on premiere night to when the season comes to an end on finale night. There are, however, times when the live feeds will be down, such as when they are performing competitions. The live feeds for season 23 of Big Brother are set to start immediately after the premiere episode concludes.

Next: Big Brother: Potential Twists & Themes Fans Can Expect In Season 23

Source: Cosmopolitan