After the death of longtime Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek in 2020, the game show took its time before announcing its newest host, which ended up being The Big Bang Theory’s Mayim Bialik. 

RELATED: 10 Big Bang Theory Quotes That Prove Amy Was The Smartest

Since Bialik has a doctorate in neuroscience, she was the perfect casting choice as the new host and as the lovable Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler in TBBT. In the series, Amy was one of the smartest characters and was far more than just Sheldon Cooper’s future wife. She was a character with depth and compassion, which led her to slowly mature and grow as a person as the series went on for 12 seasons. 

She Allowed Herself To Date And Love

Amy and Stuart out on a date at the movies

When viewers are first introduced to Amy, it was only because Raj and Howard paired her with Sheldon on a dating app. Like Sheldon, Amy was socially awkward and didn't want to be on the date. She was only dating because she promised her mom she'd go on one date a year.

As Sheldon and Amy's relationship timeline progressed, Amy matured because she realized she didn't mind dating Sheldon and that it opened her up to new experiences and people. Before Amy and Sheldon became officially boyfriend and girlfriend, Amy went on a date with Stuart to test the waters. She showed growth in each experience by being so vulnerable.

Amy Understood Her Worth By Breaking Up With Sheldon

Amy breaks up with Sheldon on TBBT

After five years of dating, Amy realized that she and Sheldon were not progressing in their relationship and she was wasting her time. It was one of the saddest things about Amy — she poured everything into a relationship but it wasn't reciprocated.

By breaking up with Sheldon, Amy matured. She realized she was perfectly capable of being on her own and she was able to find men who respected her that weren't Sheldon. Their breakup didn't last long but she matured in those weeks.

She Stood Up For Herself When Bernadette & Penny Left Her Out

Amy's footage of Bernadette trying on a wedding dress with penny next to her in TBBT

Because Amy was newer to the group, she didn't fit in with Bernadette and Penny at first. Amy never had close friends and didn't know how to mingle. As time passed, Amy became closer with Peny and Bernadette and was a valued member of the group.

Amy and Penny's friendship timeline, in particular, was a fan favorite because it helped Amy mature. With Penny's guidance, Amy learned what friendship meant. With that maturity, Amy also realized when she wasn't being treated fairly. When Bernadette and Penny did things without her, Amy stood up for herself and expressed how it made her feel. This was a big thing for her since she used to suffer in silence.

Amy Chose Her Career Over Waiting Around For A Future With Sheldon

Sheldon proposing to Amy in The Big Bang Theory

Once Amy fell in love with Sheldon, she was doing more things to help him and make him feel at ease than for herself. Although Amy was also a brilliant scientist, her work and accomplishments took a backseat to Sheldon's.

RELATED: Amy's 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Arcs On The Big Bang Theory

Eventually, Amy was given an opportunity to do research at Princeton University for a few weeks to further her career. It was an amazing achievement but she questioned doing it because Sheldon relied on her. However, after reflecting inward, Amy's maturity was shown when she took the job to focus on herself instead of others. It was brave of her to make that decision.

She Became More Personable Since Her First Season

Amy and Penny hugging at home on TBBT

Amy's slow transformation throughout The Big Bang Theory was fulfilling to watch. In her first season, Amy was robotic, cold, and dry. She didn't understand sarcasm, was short with people, and was unfriendly.

The more time she spent with Penny and Bernadette, however, Amy matured as a friend and partner. She learned to listen, be more patient, and be understanding of those who thought differently than she. By season 12, Amy matured into a personable young woman.

When She Was Ready To Live With Sheldon

Amy and Sheldon trying out Penny's old bedroom on TBBT

Amy was ready to move in with Sheldon in season 7's 'The Table Polarization.' When Leonard and Penny got engaged, they warned Sheldon that their living arrangement could change, which led Amy to suggest that she and Sheldon live together.

This didn't end up happening until season 10. While Amy thought living with Sheldon would be a breeze, it proved to be a learning opportunity for both of them. Amy and Sheldon matured by living with each other and making compromises that would benefit them both.

Amy Had The Strength To Stand Up Against Her Parents

Amy's parents in her apartment on TBBT

When Sheldon and Amy got married in season 11, Amy's parents made their first appearance. Although Amy was an adult planning one of the biggest romantic moments of her life, her mother was overbearing and spoke over her.

Even at the wedding, Amy's mother assumed that Sheldon left her at the altar when he was running late. It took time, but Amy eventually stood up to her parents and expressed how much she's changed for the better and she didn't need her mom's invasive decision-making anymore.

Her Professionalism While Working At Caltech

Amy and Howard smiling in her lab

Amy wasn't an employee of Caltech but she was asked to work there for a few weeks on assignment. Each The Big Bang Theory character had a different job from the next, and Amy's title was a neurobiologist.

RELATED: What Are The Main Big Bang Theory Characters' Jobs?

While many thought Amy would use the Caltech opportunity to get closer to Sheldon and even try and work there, she did the opposite. She matured by staying focused on her job and separating her relationship from her work life. She even asked Sheldon to call her Dr. Fowler.

Body Positivity & Acceptance

Amy and Raj look in the mirror for a makeover on TBBT

Amy never seemed to care about her appearance because what mattered most to her was her intellect. It's because of this that she was flabbergasted when Bernadette was chosen as one of California's sexiest female scientists.

Amy didn't think it mattered that a person can be both smart and sexy, even though that was something that Bernadette believed in and was proud of. It took many years, but Amy slowly matured in her views. Although she was brilliant, that didn't mean she couldn't care about her appearance or the clothes she wore. In season 12, Raj gave her a makeover, which gave Amy even more confidence to accept her Nobel Prize.

Amy Learned To Speak Her Mind And Be Confident In Herself

Sheldon and Amy in in The Big Bang Theory

By the end of TBBT, Amy was a different woman than when she joined. Once shy and skeptical, Amy matured into a thoughtful, understanding, and smarter person. With Sheldon's love and the group's friendship, Amy because the person she was meant to be.

Instead of asking questions and constantly taking advice, Amy gave great advice herself and became a person of strength for characters like Raj and Penny. While Sheldon gets credited with maturing the most in the show, Amy's growth should be ignored.

NEXT: The Big Bang Theory: Amy's 5 Best Pieces Of Advice (& Her 5 Worst)